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Where are the rabbits?


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I headed out to a farm yesterday and stayed out shooting with a lamp untill about 10pm - started about 2pm -


On this permission there is a huge warren spanning about an acre in total of holes cropping up everywhere. The farmer told me the place has a heavy rabbit population too. The thing is we only saw 4 or 5 rabbits in all the time we were there? This doesnt make sense as a walk round the place with all these holes and scratchings etc would have you think theres millions of the fury devils about!


Am I too early in the year do you reckon? The farmer wants me to update him on how we got on but I heading towards telling him his rabbit "problem" aint as bad as he thinks!! Just wanted an experianced opinion before I make myself look a wolly again!!

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The thing is walking around only does one thing, let's the little furry bedevils know you are there. You go clumping round examining the warrens and they are going to know you are there! Sit there waiting for a bit and then move to another bit, warns them again! They can feel when you go walking! Try finding where there is the most activity, then get yourself prone in a suitable position, ambush shoot, just wait and shoot!

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The thing is walking around only does one thing, let's the little furry bedevils know you are there. You go clumping round examining the warrens and they are going to know you are there! Sit there waiting for a bit and then move to another bit, warns them again! They can feel when you go walking! Try finding where there is the most activity, then get yourself prone in a suitable position, ambush shoot, just wait and shoot!

Totally agree. :yes:

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It's a waiting game I'm affraid to say and you need to be down wind also so they dont pick up on your scent.


I had the same problem and thought the farmer was going nuts but it turns out they were very shy as several people had tried before me.


Just percevere all comes to those who wait, look for tell tale signs like fresh droppings, chewed crop, fresh scratching etc it all in the field craft.


Good luck and happy hunting.


PS wear suitable clothing and if need be get behind a cam net.

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As above! the only thing I would add is it might be worth forgetting the gun for a session and heading out with some binoculars. Find a position a long way from the bunnies (other side of the field?) and spend an hour or two just watching them from a position where they won't have any idea you are there. Gives you a chance to properly work out the lie of the land too, you can then set up an ambush position in the best place. With a bit of effort and a plan, you should get some results!

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I have one permission like yours, where one evening I'll see 2 or 3 but not shoot any and a couple of weeks later I'll bag a dozen without with no apparent reason for the difference. On other permissions I tend to see them in the same places fairly regulally.


Also bunnys like good weather, and we've had buckets of that recently, so they will have been able to feed happily for days. They will tend to stay down more in rainy weather so wait until the first dry day after a few days of rain and more will be popping out, and more often.

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Did that!! Spent a good hour or so in each spot between moving


Sometimes it takes more than an hour. Put the mobile on mute and pick a good game on it. You have to be very patient. Of course at other times the little baskets run into you. Just depends. You also do not know what is out there!


Could be a fox, mink, stoats, ruddy great birds of prey, keep your eyes open!


I have one permission like yours, where one evening I'll see 2 or 3 but not shoot any and a couple of weeks later I'll bag a dozen without with no apparent reason for the difference. On other permissions I tend to see them in the same places fairly regulally.


Also bunnys like good weather, and we've had buckets of that recently, so they will have been able to feed happily for days. They will tend to stay down more in rainy weather so wait until the first dry day after a few days of rain and more will be popping out, and more often.



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saw loads last night, just typical when you're waiting for a particular fox. We have a mix of very lampshy and some that are not at all, Its very surprising if you lamp an area then look with NV how many are possible to miss or are out of range to see with a red filter.

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