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A question about rape field's

ste eibar

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The best shooting is after they are cut. Preferably they are swathed and left to dry for a couple of weeks and you can get right in it with a pigeon magnet up until it is combined, or just shoot the stubbles before they are ploughed in :good:


Best left for now though as it will be too high to easily find the shot birds if you get any.

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I couple of points on shooting rape in summer. Do not shoot the standing crop. The seed spills out of the plant very easy so when you or your dog go to retrieve a bird you will be doing as much dammage as the pigeons. I doubt the farmer will be very happy.


Once harvested be ready to shoot the stubbles very quickly. Spilt seed germinates within days if it rains and once germinated its rare to get good numbers of pigeons comming onto the field.


And finaly if its dry be very careful using a dog. Rape stubble can be very sharp and splinters so a running dog can get splinters from the stalk into its skin easily.

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Still worth ago while in flower still get pigeons dropping in eating leaves near the ground :good:

I agree, I had some good days last year on patchy rape and edges of fields, which can concentrate the birds because they are easy pickings, especially if near sitty trees. One farm I shoot on always has some patchy fields because of the nature of the land, and always gives some hotspots for pigeons right through to harvest.

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