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Who can sign sgc

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These days almost anyone of 'good character' can countersign a SGC application.

That generally means someone without any convictions and being an existing SGC or FAC holder helps.

Read the application form very carefully and include all convictions.



Edited by VicW
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As I understand it, farmers have been added to the list who can which should be helpful. I believe it is because the average Joe Bloggs being fit and law abiding doesn't come into contact with, and can have a problem finding, someone suitable to sign and this has now been recognised as a genuine difficulty.

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As I understand it, farmers have been added to the list who can which should be helpful. I believe it is because the average Joe Bloggs being fit and law abiding doesn't come into contact with, and can have a problem finding, someone suitable to sign and this has now been recognised as a genuine difficulty.

Hmm The list is examples, not an actual list of specific professions they OK, Farmers as a profession? I can think of a few who wouldn't be suitable....probably better to go with someone of "good character" who knows you personally and has done for some time than a farmer you met a couple of times in the last 2 years....

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a list of few in examples farmer lawyer shope kepper sgc or fac holder school teacher gamekeeper doctor retired police officer business owner member of palerment or local councillor pub landlord bank manager i think these will be all ok i beliver as long as there of a good standing charcter

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Hmm The list is examples, not an actual list of specific professions they OK, Farmers as a profession? I can think of a few who wouldn't be suitable....probably better to go with someone of "good character" who knows you personally and has done for some time than a farmer you met a couple of times in the last 2 years....

Actually, if you go back far enough and whereas now, yes the "list" is examples, it was virtually definitve. I'm hoping someone will jump in and help me with this new - ish farmers bit as I'm sure I'm right and I don't think it was just in my neck of the woods - I also seem to recall that there's something about having been bona fide farming for two years and I think we can take it that the being of 'good character' goes without saying. I'm pretty sure that unless you're as sick as a parrot, an habitual criminal or in hock to your eyebrows, as a shooter (obviously assuming live quarry), you'll meet your farmer more frequently than your GP, solicitor or bank manager otherwise in all honesty he would be unable in good faith endorse your application. If my farmer met me twice in two years, the second time would be to throw me off his property!

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I rang leicestershire firearms when I did mine and they were happy for a company director to sign it. I had known this person for over 15 years.


Interestingly my GP refused to do it; which was probably a good thing as it also saved me the £30 admin charge at the same time.

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Actually, if you go back far enough and whereas now, yes the "list" is examples, it was virtually definitve. I'm hoping someone will jump in and help me with this new - ish farmers bit as I'm sure I'm right and I don't think it was just in my neck of the woods - I also seem to recall that there's something about having been bona fide farming for two years and I think we can take it that the being of 'good character' goes without saying. I'm pretty sure that unless you're as sick as a parrot, an habitual criminal or in hock to your eyebrows, as a shooter (obviously assuming live quarry), you'll meet your farmer more frequently than your GP, solicitor or bank manager otherwise in all honesty he would be unable in good faith endorse your application. If my farmer met me twice in two years, the second time would be to throw me off his property!



I can confirm that, as a farmer, I have been signing SGC's for years for friends from many different police forces. If you own a substanciel buisness that employs people you have always been acceptable.

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