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My friends and family know that I have guns and, but most of them wouldn't know the difference between a spud gun and and a 223 rifle.

However I do not boast about it in the local boozer or out on the town, especially to people I've only just met.

There are plenty of ***** round my parts that wouldn't think twice in kicking my door down and would happily have a crack at getting hold of the guns if they knew what they would fetch on the black market.


Heddwch ei lwch.

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not bothered about family friends, most have guns themselves. neighbours, the less they know the better.



I have no with famaly knowing. But I think the best idea is the less know the better.


incase there antis/organised criminals ect?

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My friends and family know that I have guns and, but most of them wouldn't know the difference between a spud gun and and a 223 rifle.

However I do not boast about it in the local boozer or out on the town, especially to people I've only just met.

There are plenty of ***** round my parts that wouldn't think twice in kicking my door down and would happily have a crack at getting hold of the guns if they knew what they would fetch on the black market.


Heddwch ei lwch.

purdys are only worth a couple of hundred quid on the 'black market' they dont use them for sporting purposes, they chop the barrel off and point it at the postmasters face.

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purdys are only worth a couple of hundred quid on the 'black market' they dont use them for sporting purposes, they chop the barrel off and point it at the postmasters face.


I'm pretty sure the heroin addicts in my town could feed their habits for a long time with 'couple of hundred quid'.

My guns are worth more than any other item in the house, apart form the wood burner and I doubt they'd get very far with that.

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Most of my family and close friends know and indeed come shooting with me when I get the home trap / targets out.


Other than them I keep my cards very close to my chest and am very careful when I load the guns into my car, side gate only so that there is not much chance of the neighbours seeing me. Not really worried about getting burgled, more the fact that they could make up some b/s about me threatening them with a gun if there was ever a problem.


The way I see it, the less people that know outside of close friends / family the better.

Edited by Livefast123
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Agree with Mungler on this one why put temptation in front of the retards.I've had to bite my lip on more then one occasion in the past when the local know all has been in the pub telling all and sundry about the time he shot a Purdey/Holland &Holland at Bisley .On balance i think its better to leave them in ignorance and keep the guns safe .

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Only two neighbours in my small close know i own guns and to be honest im not bothered.My family know i shoot too and they dont bother me either.The guns/ammunition are locked away,house is adequately secured and two large dogs have full access around the house too.


Curiously,one neighbour thinks im an angler and assumes the gun slips i carry into car contain rods.He asked me one afternoon if i'd got much that day then proceeded to tell me he too used to go fishing as a kid.I didnt feel the need to correct him.

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I'm pretty sure the heroin addicts in my town could feed their habits for a long time with 'couple of hundred quid'.

My guns are worth more than any other item in the house, apart form the wood burner and I doubt they'd get very far with that.

you know, them breaking into your house is the least of your worries, them jumping you when putting your gun in your car is more likely.

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you know, them breaking into your house is the least of your worries, them jumping you when putting your gun in your car is more likely.


Hmmmm :hmm: in LA maybe, not in Caernarfon.

There were string of robberies during the hot period we had few months back. The culprits were all bagheads, it's a fairly small town and I know who most of them are through my work.

Truth is, they don't have the energy to fight, much easier to break a window and have good old fashioned rob.


The addicts might be harder in East Yorkshire mind :lol:

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Not bothered who knows I have guns friends/neighbours/family are all aware as the blood trail from the back of my Defender to the garden sort of gives the game away. :lol: But agree with most I dont advertise the fact but if a neighbour or someone from the village asked I wouldnt bother trying to lie to them. :good:

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Hmmmm :hmm: in LA maybe, not in Caernarfon.

There were string of robberies during the hot period we had few months back. The culprits were all bagheads, it's a fairly small town and I know who most of them are through my work.

Truth is, they don't have the energy to fight, much easier to break a window and have good old fashioned rob.


The addicts might be harder in East Yorkshire mind :lol:

what your telling me a couple of smack heads couldnt get your gun off you when your moving between your front door and car :lol: :lol:

yes they can there smack heads with dirty needles.

and if they havent the energy to fight how are they getting in your cabinet, unless your leaving the keys in the lock???

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Never really gave it a lot of thought. I don't go round telling all I have guns but don't take any preventative measures to make sure they don't no either.


I have heard of the odd burglary targeting guns, the time spent getting the cabinet off the wall and or open would be enough to dissuade most folks I should imagine. dam if they emptied my house of light electrical goods they would have more than what resides in my cabinet and a dam site easier to sell.



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Not bothered who knows I have guns friends/neighbours/family are all aware as the blood trail from the back of my Defender to the garden sort of gives the game away. :lol: But agree with most I dont advertise the fact but if a neighbour or someone from the village asked I wouldnt bother trying to lie to them. :good:

im the same :yes: except mines a jimny :lol: :lol:

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what your telling me a couple of smack heads couldnt get your gun off you when your moving between your front door and car :lol: :lol:

yes they can there smack heads with dirty needles.

and if they havent the energy to fight how are they getting in your cabinet, unless your leaving the keys in the lock???


:lol: You've been watching too many films fella :lol:

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:lol: You've been watching too many films fella :lol:

ive been watching to many films :lol: :lol: :lol:

coming from someone who thinks a smackhead wont jump him on his front door, you make me laugh.

so a smackhead confronts you as your shuting your garden gate, whats do you do next then.


a smackhead isnt the problem with guns anyway, there to hard to shift not like electrical goods.

Edited by cockercas
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ive been watching to many films :lol: :lol: :lol:

coming from someone who thinks a smackhead wont jump him on his front door, you make me laugh.

so a smackhead confronts you as your shuting your garden gate, whats do you do next then.


Who says I've got a garden?

Who says i've got a gate?

Who says I've got a car for that matter?


You really have an active imagination :good:

Cant wait to tell this story to my three shooting buddies when they pick me up from my front door next time we go shooting at four in the morning :lol:

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