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Fac land approval problem

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I have 150-200 acres of land and the police have said none of it is suitable for anything other than a shotgun or air rifle !!


3 people have shot my land quite a few times and there are backstops.


The only reason I have is that there is 1 footpath and all the land is totally unsuitable


I applied for 22lr, 17hmr and .243


They have said there is no appeal and thats it basically.

Edited by Peskyfoxs
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Thats tough lines mate, I have many footpaths, bridleways etc over our farm, and its cleared up to big calibres.


It must be a demographic thing, houses surrounding it etc, not sure what you can do.

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Thats tough lines mate, I have many footpaths, bridleways etc over our farm, and its cleared up to big calibres.


It must be a demographic thing, houses surrounding it etc, not sure what you can do.


There are hardly any houses about and as its my farm I have never seen a walker yet. Its not hilly but there are safe places to shoot providing your sensiuble .. guess I better see if I can convert some of my old air rifle permissions into Fac

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thats carnt be right get them back to check it again i got hmr passed on a 2 acre feild with a foot path at bottom before i got open ticket


Apparently they won't be coming back, and my application is now cancelled pending further land

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thats carnt be right get them back to check it again i got hmr passed on a 2 acre feild with a foot path at bottom before i got open ticket


It is peculier isn't it.


OP are you a member of a shooting organisation?

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This doesn't sound right. You don't want to go off half-cock, so I'd give my location and see if there's a couple of experienced/open FAC members who would kindly pop over and give their opinion. If, then, they agree with you, it's time to speak with your shooting association.


Edit: Aaah! We posted at the same time!

Edited by wymberley
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get another bit of land thats already passed then apply open ticket and bob's your uncle

like its thats easy :lol: there giveing him **** all ready so whats the bets he wont get open ticket :no: but 1 thing is for sure you will need some more land if there going to be stubborn with the op

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like its thats easy :lol: there giveing him **** all ready so whats the bets he wont get open ticket :no: but 1 thing is for sure you will need some more land if there going to be stubborn with the op


I may (fingers crossed) be able to get some more land, I also have a coule of invites for stalking too

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I have just passed my FAC for a .22, and according to my FEO he didnt check the land as it wasnt in his area? If a colleage of his checked is unknown, as he didnt mention anything. I have been given a closed ticket. Get onto BASC, and see what can be sorted.

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West Yorkshire give open certificates when you've had that calibre(s) for 18 months. While that's a long time, if you can get some land elsewhere then it's good to know that in 18 months you'll be open, it could be much worse (such as 5 years). Find some other land if you can, get the application on it's way again.


However, looking at the size of land you've got there, I can't see any way that it'd all be unsafe, I think I'd be inclined to join BASC and see if they can help - I don't know what would do, but if they were to look at it and say that it's safe then the police ought to listen.

Having 1 footpath should hardly be a reason to refuse it, as my FEO said when he passed 30 acres of woodland with a footpath in it, and a bridleway down two sides, as long as you can see it's clear for a long way in either direction of the footpath then it's OK.

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West Yorkshire give open certificates when you've had that calibre(s) for 18 months. While that's a long time, if you can get some land elsewhere then it's good to know that in 18 months you'll be open, it could be much worse (such as 5 years). Find some other land if you can, get the application on it's way again.


However, looking at the size of land you've got there, I can't see any way that it'd all be unsafe, I think I'd be inclined to join BASC and see if they can help - I don't know what would do, but if they were to look at it and say that it's safe then the police ought to listen.

Having 1 footpath should hardly be a reason to refuse it, as my FEO said when he passed 30 acres of woodland with a footpath in it, and a bridleway down two sides, as long as you can see it's clear for a long way in either direction of the footpath then it's OK.


I think they are just being a pain .. plus some local said the footpath was really well used yet I have been on the fields this and last weekend for hours and never saw anyone apart from 1 foot print


Basc joined

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This is another case of the 'postcode lottery syndrome'.

I've got a patch of 60+ acres which has a road, a by-pass, a housing estate, a cricket club and several footpaths

running through it. Passed, no problem! Only comment he made was 'does he know where the footpaths are? When told 'yes' he said 'That's ok then'.

It is a difficult area to shoot but it is possible as, luckily, it's not too flat.

Looking at the pic, perhaps a .243 could be iffy but a .17 would be just the job if shot with care.

I would certainly try again with some support as has been suggested.

Good luck with it all.



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Are the safe backstops on your permission? Does the backstop start to rise just into neighbouring land?



there are berms on part of the field that are about 3-4 foot high, there is part that is a V with rising land on the other each side .. I'm guessing dry stone walls don't count


I don't think any of the shots would go on neighbouring land

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This is another case of the 'postcode lottery syndrome'.

I've got a patch of 60+ acres which has a road, a by-pass, a housing estate, a cricket club and several footpaths

running through it. Passed, no problem! Only comment he made was 'does he know where the footpaths are? When told 'yes' he said 'That's ok then'.

It is a difficult area to shoot but it is possible as, luckily, it's not too flat.

Looking at the pic, perhaps a .243 could be iffy but a .17 would be just the job if shot with care.

I would certainly try again with some support as has been suggested.

Good luck with it all.




unfortunately a 17hmr is ok for bunnies but not for the foxes as west yorks won't allow it for fox. The guy has said even .22lr is unsafe

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It's not easy to see from the picture, but it looks like the land is flat and surrounded by buildings and roads, so the FEO does have a point. It's not the size of the land, it's the backstops he'll be concerned with. There is a golf course near me that is bounded by a road and has a footpath right through the middle and along one side, it's passed for .223 because it's in a valley and has perfect backstops when shot from either side. My small woodland, 17 acres, was passed up to Hornet because it too had good backstops - even though it was less than 100yds from a village on one side, had a footpath on the boundary, had Woodland Trust open woodland on another side.

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It's not easy to see from the picture, but it looks like the land is flat and surrounded by buildings and roads, so the FEO does have a point. It's not the size of the land, it's the backstops he'll be concerned with. There is a golf course near me that is bounded by a road and has a footpath right through the middle and along one side, it's passed for .223 because it's in a valley and has perfect backstops when shot from either side. My small woodland, 17 acres, was passed up to Hornet because it too had good backstops - even though it was less than 100yds from a village on one side, had a footpath on the boundary, had Woodland Trust open woodland on another side.



I can undersdtand that only certain parts are suitable ... but then I'm sure on all land you could shoot in an unsafe direction.

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