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skip find

Paddy Galore!

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About 140kg of lead.


When they knocked down Harold Wood Hospitals origional A/E I not only found a 100kg of lead in a skip, there was a wheel barrow to take it away in too!!!! Still making fishing leads out of it25 years later lol, must be 50kg left!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Not sure what happenned to the wheelbarrow though!

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Back in the early 1980's, I found a piano stool in a skip. It was in excellent condition, but looked 'old'. I took it to an antique's dealer in the town, and she gave me £30. Not bad for nothing, although I don't know the true value of the stool. Many years later, I found a load of heavy duty laminate flooring, all wrapped up in plastic. I took it home and laid two new floors in my childrens bedrooms. I have also found 4 ammunition boxes in excellent condition.

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skip ponce eh hows this for funny i was driveg down orpington high st three years ago and came across a skip outside the pub that was being turned into a chinese restuarant there was loads of 4x2 long length timber in there as i was on the hunt for cheap 4x2 to make a fruit cage up my allotment i couldnt believe my luck i pulled up and started snaffling it all i must have had about 20 pieces and to my embaressment a chinese guy was running towards me screaming abuse and swearing his head off and threatening to call the police he was yelling it cost me £200 for that i am gunna charge you and sue you by that time i was bright red in the face and didnt know where to look caught skip poncing red handed ha ha so i sais sorry i should have asked and started to unload my wagon back into the skip oh mate that made him worse he was screaming at me and he grabbed the other end of the wood and we wrer like the chuckle brothers in a tug of war it wasnt until someone came out to see what the row was about that it dawned on him i was taking it out of the skip he thought i was dumping it in ha ha he then shook my hand and we both said sorry to eachother and he let me help myself not only was that embaressing a guy cleaning windows opposite asked me what it was all about coz he had never seen anything so funny a fat guy and a chink playing tug of war in the high street so i told him about what i wanted it for and he laughed and said he had an allotment as well turns out his one is next to mine ffffffkkkkkknnnnn ek he still smirks at me everytime i am up there :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Nice story there Nobby! LOL :lol: and some good finds by others.

During my college days, a mate found a box of porn mags which was quite handy for a student household LOL :good: (pun intended....)


Never found anything quite as interesting, but have found some usefull bits and bobs, my fly tying storage is made up of some library card draws, and a small chest of draws which i rescued from a skip they were being thrown out by the local surgery. Thats about it...however i always have a look as you never know!



Edited by Aled
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Not a skip but my local newsagents had being sold and was getting a quick refurb, two coke fridges were left on the pavement outside (next to the skip). Knocked on the door and asked if they were getting rid, the chap said yes, a truck was coming in an hour for them and some other fridge display units. Anyway a quick explanation that I was after a coke fridge, help yourself was the reply so I took the double door coke fridge, bit difficult getting transport arranged in less than an hour but I now have a handy deer chiller in the garage.

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Guest Mr Pieman

At the risk of being the harbinger of doom, I hope you asked permission to remove the mower. If not, it is theft - just because it's in a skip doesn't give you the right to take it!!!

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I love live music now as much as ever so undoubtedly a skip find that changed my life :yes::good:



I love live music also. I always wanted to see Kurt Cobains Nirvana but like millions of others I had to settle for Courtney Love's Hole instead :lol:



I'm a proper skip rat but I've yet to fully realise my potential in this craft. I normally just nick wood from them for the fire. Did find a full box of Hilti hit once though. Would have made good use of it were it not re-stolen from my pick up when I stopped at the garage. Tsk!!!

Edited by ack-ack
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