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17hmr or 22lr


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One isn't better than the other, they are different, you need what best suits the land/quarry, I have 8 different FAC tools for different jobs, situations, etc, none is "better" than the other, they are simply different.


People so often associate/suggest more power = Better :no::no: ..... different uses :yes::yes:


That was exactly my point (and I didnt say one was better than the other both bags of rabbits were of similar size) :hmm: thats why I said "Each will do the job it all boils down to the land you have as to which calibre to get" You wouldnt buy an HMR in a noise sensitive area the same as you wouldnt buy a 22lr to use on big open flat land. Like you say they are different.

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That was exactly my point (and I didnt say one was better than the other both bags of rabbits were of similar size) :hmm: thats why I said "Each will do the job it all boils down to the land you have as to which calibre to get" You wouldnt buy an HMR in a noise sensitive area the same as you wouldnt buy a 22lr to use on big open flat land. Like you say they are different.


You appear to have misunderstood something here, those 5 grinning and nodding Emotions says I agreed with you, and simply added a bit more to confirm that to the OP.

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If I could only have one, it would be the HMR. In the pros and cons contest it wins. It is simply more versatile. Its only real disadvantage is noise. But even so its not that bad.

My .22 is now a dedicated NV rifle, but before I got the NV I still tended to choose the .22 for specific tasks. If I was out for a wander with no specific plan it was always the HMR that came along. It can cope with a wider range of situations.


But I'm glad I don't have to choose between them. I'd never be without a .22lr.

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Ok dekers i was just wondering what people think of both calibers and there preferences i have got a .308win, but its a tad over kill on rabbits, and i was after a light rimfire rifle that can do all that i am after, which i have found out is definately the 17hmr. So thanks for the great replys guys .


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All though i didnt agree with rimfire boy saying the are like spanner iv been shooting for about 10 yrs and was in the marines for 2, so i dont need people being like that, i was after proper answers not people trying to under mind people, thats not wat this site is about, its about people passing there knowledge onto other people.

Cheers James

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I have both .17Hmr & .22lr (both CZ's & both with Thumbhole stocks) :good: I also have a Tikka T3 in .223 but it doesn't get much use these days


I have taken "quite" a few foxes with my Hmr - no prob what so ever ;)- (I have fox with Hmr on my FAC)


I sold my .22lr some time ago but have just replaced it with a new CZ 455 - it's a tack driver BUT I still prefer the Hmr



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All though i didnt agree with rimfire boy saying the are like spanner iv been shooting for about 10 yrs and was in the marines for 2, so i dont need people being like that, i was after proper answers not people trying to under mind people, thats not wat this site is about, its about people passing there knowledge onto other people.

Cheers James



Shooting WHAT for 10 years, rifles and quarry, Target?


Being in the marines has nothing to do with shooting rabbits. How often were you issued with a .22lr or a HMR and told to walk around a farm shooting things? You maybe got to play with a .22lr on the range once or twice.


He wasn't being like anything except accurate, the .22lr and HMR are DIFFERENT tools, they do different jobs, with a debatable level of overlap, and it isn't a one or the other situation, unless you only have one piece of land, where you would select the one best suited. I have a .22WMR as well as both of those, why, because they are different and I have a use for them all.


Neither takes the place of the other and anyone who has any quantity of land will most likely have a use for both LR and HMR!


People are passing their knowledge on to you. You have a mass of information in this thread and if you search the history you will find masses more, Post 8 & 13 worth reading again!


Chill out! :good::good:

Edited by Dekers
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its a devastating rabbit round and ok on close foxes, I've had a fair few with mine and keep them close and it handles them fine. For cubs its the gun I'd choose to take out over all others


al4x Always a pleasure to read your replies, you really do seem to talk alot of sence and and pass on a lot of good advice. Smokey

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I think this topic has derived itself from the airgun "whats the best 177 or 22" debate. :rolleyes: Two totally different animals the 22lr and HMR and both have their place and so thats why i and many more shooters have both. They can,t be compared to each other and theres no winner. Simple as ;)



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The HMR will do short range work as well though. At this time of year I'm often sniping at less than 70 yds because of the height of the crops. The ground is flinty so I take the HMR and I can't say the noise is any great disadvantage. I spent the other evening sitting in a tram line knocking them over at about 40 yds and they kept coming out. I starting to think the noise issue of the HMR is over played - except at night- and the shorter the range the less the sonic crack. Sounds like a cap gun at 40 yds.

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Totally agree and so do so many others short range and just rabbits i would get a 22lr without a shadow of a dought but sometimes i cant get within a 100m of rabbits and i want to take the odd fox and noise isnt an issue so im leaning towards the 17hmr.


With all your experience and the above quote in red, why even ask the question. :hmm:

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If you have a lot of land to cover in the 4x4 than I'd go for the hmr everytime. If your land is limited and/or your on foot, go for the .22lr

I tend to do the opposite. I have found that the .22 best suited to 'off the wing mirror' shooting and if walking about I tend to grab the .17. Definitely take the .17 if walking about in daylight because things spook sooner.

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Yes I was thinking more along the lines of lamping. The hmr probably is the best for day time walk round shooting where you have the chance of long shots. I shoot a piece of MOD land though with a lamp on foot which is built up with storage buildings. I use my .22 there but my mate sometimes brings his .17, and we find that every time he lets it off, everything bolt holes for 15mins. Don't get me wrong, the .17 is a much more devastating round, but in some situations, not the most productive.

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Hi Jim, I have both .22lr and .17hmr. As stated they each have their pros and cons. The moderated .22, using subsonic ammo is quieter in my opinion and creates less disturbance and less carcass damage the .17hmr.

The .17hmr has more reach ( wind allowing ) more delivered energy on target,

Im not too far from you, if you would like to try the .17hmr you are most welcome. PM me for details. I have an open FAC so no problem there.

If I had to choose between calibres Id go for .22lr purely for its versatility and economy, cheers moorman.

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firstly the HMR is very hard to use humanely at 200 yds, there is only the first shot on quarry and wind and drop conspire badly at such range add into the equasion dodgy terminals through the range window (short range blow ups, long range that look like they died of heart failure). i dont shoot Foxes with any rimfires as i dont believe them to be adequate to deal with anything but perfect placement / short ranges.

I used a HMR extensively but dont miss it now its gone, i can handload the .22 Hornet for slightly less per round and its way more effective on all quarry- yeah even does shorter range bunnies! It averages sub MOA at 250 yds (exceeding my expectations) and takes about half the 100yds wind of the HMR. With the higher quality centrefire moderators it beats the HMR on noise levels (CF mods shouldn't be used with RF rounds on safety grounds)

No rifle has ever or will ever better the moderated .22 sub as a bunny gun. If you need more range and a fox capable rifle them look towards the many small c/fires IMO. Besides anything else of uk licensing effectively limits the volume of guns we might keep at any one time

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