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3 or 5 shot?


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What clay ground lets you load up 8 shells? I thought 2 was the max allowed.




It is!! I don't no any clay grounds that allow that!!!


As far as i'm aware this is a CPSA rule and only applicable to official competitions. Obviously, clubs can form their own rules as well though


doesn't have to be a clay ground, what about haybalers? used mine all the time at my local.


:good: My strawbaler doesn't have any rules preventing it either but i rarely fill my FAC shotgun up when i use it there. The club secretary isn't a fan of S1 shotguns to start with so i only load it up when he needs winding up :D


I have exactly the same dilemma at the moment, so interesting to read this post.


My only concern about getting a 5 shot will be that I am restricted on where I use it, as I imagine that unless you have an open FAC, you will not have the freedom that you have with a 3 shot to use it wherever you wish, without the land necessarily being signed off? If this is the case I am not sure it is really worth the trouble of going for the 5 shot...


You shouldn't have any problems getting the open condition for vermin on your FAC for an S1 shotgun. You'd be using the same ammo as you would with an S2 gun so there's no extra risk :yes: Different story if you're wanting to use S1 ammo (i.e. slug) of course

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I have exactly the same dilemma at the moment, so interesting to read this post.


My only concern about getting a 5 shot will be that I am restricted on where I use it, as I imagine that unless you have an open FAC, you will not have the freedom that you have with a 3 shot to use it wherever you wish, without the land necessarily being signed off? If this is the case I am not sure it is really worth the trouble of going for the 5 shot...



Territorial conditions are not attached to S1 shotguns.

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I went to a clay shoot north of Glos and there was a sign making it clear in no uncertain terms that ANY semi / pump was not welcome. First and only time I've ever seen it. Someone told me it's because someone was shot there a while back.

when i am clay shooting with either of mine before i step out i show that the chamber is clear and cocked back

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If you have good reason then get the hi cap one, i have a 10 shot 870 and 1187


It will cost less to buy used by a big margin, just make sure you get a clay condition as well as slug :yp:


I have never used it with the full complement sensibly but more than 3 can occasionally be useful and if you can why not, ten is a lot of shots though and fully loaded alters the balance of the gun.



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Can't see the need or point of a 5 shot


Several times i have shot 5 pigeons in at once from a flock, numerous times Ive come across groups of squirrels in the spring 5-6 strong, numerous times Ive shot 3 birds over my pattern and there were still more in the air when using a three shot, great for that "unexpected" fox or 3!!!


If you are worried about using more carts, I use rule of thumb, if i didnt hit it with 2 then stop!!! :good:

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it will only be for pigeon and crow decoying. I'm probably going to go for a 3 shot, just wondered if i was making the right decision, which by the sounds of things i am! cheers chaps


When I bought my 8 shot semi auto, a few 'experienced' shooters said 'What's the point, by the time you fire the 8 shots off, the birds will be miles away'! Oh how I laughed.

I rarely fire more than 4 shots at any one time. Mine gun is used for crop protection, which is mainly corvids and pigeons. When I'm corvid shooting, especially at Jackdaw's, sometimes 8-15 birds will try and land the same time into my pattern. It's then that the 8 shot comes into it's own, but then, I only fire around 5 maximum.

Get yourself an 8 shot if you are allowed to buy one. You will not end up firing more cartridges, unless you do actually shoot at them when they are 'miles away'.



PS. I have a short video on Youtube where I fire the 8 shots off in less than 2 seconds.

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My reasoning was that I can always put three shells in an 8 shot but not the other way around. So I put in for a FAC one. It's good fun having the option of more shots. Nice doing 4 pairs of clays without refilling the gun.


I just put in for one when doing another variation and it went through no bother. I can use mine for shooting vermin and clays.


Not so nice picking up all those spent catridges though...

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I shoot an 11-87 SPS 5 shot FAC semi-auto.


I do sometimes empty the lot, rabbits, crows/jackdaws etc. occassionaly at pigeons over decoys.


Where it is very useful (as a full time keeper) is drey and crow nest shooting where a couple of heavies evict the residents and the 3 No. 5's deal with the fleeing varmints.


My Section 1 states "semi-auto long magazine" rather than a stipulated number of shots. So anything more than 3. I must admit I have only rarely wished there were more than 5 up the spout.

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