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BBC bias

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Did anyone other than me see the tirade of abuse against the training of young people to use shotguns correctly when clay shooting on the BBC SE England local news last evening? They managed to find every local tree hugger in the area to weigh in against shooting (including, inevitably the Green party),but the BASC spokesman was given about thirty seconds! One of the most bigoted comments I heard was "no wonder we have all this knife ang gun crime".


By the way, this is the first time I have ever put anything onto PW. Hope I got it right. I joined up in Feb this year and over the last few months have learned a lot, and been entertained by the banter as well.

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There is a written article here


The best quote is the last "Once it becomes a normal thing for kids to use guns, you're moving away from the kind of attitude we've got to guns in this country, and moving more towards the American model that it's OK to use guns.". I don't know where to start with that quote!! (attitude you have not we have, it is OK to use guns, etc etc)

Edited by roester
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The problem is... the antis, through sheer ignorance, are winning..


I watched that and my heart sank... almost made me feel like just packing in!


I wish these people would turn their attention to immersed video games where kids are running round killing each other with military kit(very realistically) for fun.

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During the same programme there was an item about providing children with an opportunity to try out Olympic sports that they otherwise would not become involved with. It included a film of girls (about 8 years old I would think)wearing boxing gloves hitting punch bags. No mention from the BBC about that being innapropriate or promoting violence.


By the way - many thanks to everyone for a courteous welcome to PW.

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If you can access a facebook page, or if you have one yourself, you can leave a comment direct onto the bbc south east page, the comments on there are a lot more positive and less biased, but give them stick for the programme - I did...

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Didn't see it myself because I'm in Northern England but I'm not surprised. Even though I've constantly been told about how the BBC is "impartial".


Might be worth a letter to a magazine such as Shooting Times. That's what I would do.


These people are clueless about the subject. Guns don't kill people. Idiots do. In fact, teaching children how to use guns actually improves the situation because it teaches them responsibility. Some idiots fail to realise this.

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During the same programme there was an item about providing children with an opportunity to try out Olympic sports that they otherwise would not become involved with. It included a film of girls (about 8 years old I would think)wearing boxing gloves hitting punch bags. No mention from the BBC about that being innapropriate or promoting violence.


By the way - many thanks to everyone for a courteous welcome to PW.

When you get in touch with the Beeb,you could point out to them that shooting features heavily as an Olympic sport.Shooting is a legitimate sport and not something to be ashamed of.

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Welcome aboard Frank.


I saw the article and true to form it was typical BBC bias.


The same story was run here

http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/9784872.'>http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/9784872. ... year_olds/


and here on the BBC facebook page. The news item was typically BBC biased and very anti-gun with a couple of street interviews to support their views. There are now around 80 comments and nearly all think BASC have the right idea. Add a comment if you can.


http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/9784872. ... year_olds/

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The thing is though, such bias effects the general public very much. See my thread froma while back about the public perception of guns. Alot of people I know or or are friends of friends think guns are illegal. Those who thought they were legal and were told that I owned guns assumed that I had an assault rifle or something. When I explained that I used shot guns they just realed off military shotguns or combat variations. Few people know anything about current firearms laws, shooting or country life in general. Food magically appears in shops, meat naturally occurs somehow prepacked in plastic, people who own guns are 'criminals', 'murderers' and 'nut cases who should be arrested'. I was once told, yes TOLD that I should be arrested and handed a life sentance for even wanting a gun, let alone own and use one [legally]. Like wise all hunters/shooters are regularly label murders and only farmers need guns because obviously they are the only ones who protect crops.


I could go on but I'd make myself ill. :good:


Media is incredibly powerful, and to have a 'respected' and easily available news group such as the BBC being biased against a particular group or cause is a something to be regarded as a major threat and will seriously damage the public perception at the drop of a hat.


But what gets at me the most is, our money is being used against us through the BBC's public funding.


Thanks for your time folks!

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Welcome aboard Frank.


I saw the article and true to form it was typical BBC bias.


The same story was run here

http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/9784872.'>http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/9784872. ... year_olds/


and here on the BBC facebook page. The news item was typically BBC biased and very anti-gun with a couple of street interviews to support their views. There are now around 80 comments and nearly all think BASC have the right idea. Add a comment if you can.


http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/9784872. ... year_olds/


The links don't work. I think I've found the article on the website though. See the link below.




Most of the comments are sensible comments. Even some non-shooters seem to agree that teaching kids to shoot is a good idea. Always good to see.


What do you mean by "here on the bbc facebook page"? There's no link.

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Did anyone other than me see the tirade of abuse against the training of young people to use shotguns correctly when clay shooting on the BBC SE England local news last evening? They managed to find every local tree hugger in the area to weigh in against shooting (including, inevitably the Green party),but the BASC spokesman was given about thirty seconds! One of the most bigoted comments I heard was "no wonder we have all this knife ang gun crime".


By the way, this is the first time I have ever put anything onto PW. Hope I got it right. I joined up in Feb this year and over the last few months have learned a lot, and been entertained by the banter as well.



Hello and welcome :good:


I get this same sort of thing from a couple of people at work. Having two kids in the house and two air rifles "Is asking for trouble" they say.


My Air rifles and locked in a Gun Safe, And I never use them when the twins are around. They are never left out and I always treat the rifles with respect and with safety at the forefront of my mind. But non of this matters.


More people are killed or badly hurt in the work place than in shooting sports.


Lets ban all work places and stay at home, That will be safer, And don't forget DIY how much dose that cost the NHS a year ?


As my Girls grow up I will teach them how to use and be safe around Guns,


Its the same with sex. We teach our teenagers to be safe. We don't tell them never ever take part in the sport of sex because its bad and you should not do it. We learn then to be safe.

And again with water. We teach them that water can be lots of fun but you need to pay safe in water.


Showing people how to be safe and and fun is the best way forward.

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The links don't work. I think I've found the article on the website though. See the link below.




Most of the comments are sensible comments. Even some non-shooters seem to agree that teaching kids to shoot is a good idea. Always good to see.


What do you mean by "here on the bbc facebook page"? There's no link.


Sorry about that Reece - Just having a bit of a "moment" I think.



This is the BBC south facebook page with around 80 comments about their news article yesterday. Almost all comments were positive even from non-shooters. In the news article I think they even said "every one we spoke to was dead against it"



Ok - I have just revisited the page and it appears the atricle has been bumped off. I guess there is a way to find it but I can't seem to.


Found it under "recent stories"

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