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5 hours, 70 miles driven

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Are there any shoots in your area?And if so,do you go beating?Local pubs are a good way of finding shoots.

Do you know any posties?They get to know farmers well and could possibly put in a word in a roundabout fashion?Do you have any ferrets?Are you interested in pest control?Have you any services you could offer landowners in return for shooting?

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Not even close to trying yet Oscarsdad. In 1 year alone, I covered nearly 200 miles on several weekends and over the last 5 years in particular, I would think it has run to well over a couple of thousand. I've done more letter hits of over thirty letters at a time than you can shake a stick, banged on more doors than I can remember, had 200 cards printed, dropped in just about every likely looking spot I come across.


I now have 2-3 farms and an estate to shoot over, with others, but its over 3000 acres in total so theres enough room for us. I am really grateful for the shooting I have, but its been a seriously hard slog. Finding somewhere to shoot is not for the feint hearted!!


My opinion for what its worth.... There are two times of the year when farmers are bothered by pigeons on crops. Winter rape november to march and laid cereals..any moment now. The rest of the time, I feel door knocking is pretty pointless. Farmers have bigger fish to fry than talking about pigeon shooting when the birds aren't doing any damage. So my advice would be, put your gear in the car,a bottle of whisky and go scouting around looking at fields of Barley and Wheat. Look for birds on the telegraph lines, watch where they drop, the time of day etc and THEN go an see the farmer. Chances are, he already has people shooting, but if they aren't there,or on another field there is more than a high chance, he will let you have a go. For him, at least you will be scaring them off, for you, you get the chance to get your foot in the door. Don't tell him about the damage they are doing, he already knows that, its his job. Be polite and cheery, and ask he will let you scare them off at least :lol: . Then go and see him afterwards, show him the bag, which should be good at this time of year, give him the whisky, thank him and shake his hand. You may well be suprised at the outcome. :yes:

Good luck, he who dares Rodders :good:

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dont give up, in the years i have been shooting not once have i gained any land by knocking on farm doors, i dont think they like folk bothering them when there busy. i now have 6 permissions all gained by letters. write everything you can offer on the letter and put on the letter info about you on there too. The farmers and land owners can be very piccy when letting strangers on there land.


i had a call from a farmer a month ago offering land for pigeon control only to find he kept my letter for about 12 months in his file before requiring my services. :good:


once one permission is gained it get easier as you can just see the farmer next door stating you already shoot for joe bloggs and would do his land two.. :good:


most of my shoots all link up together this way so makes it easier to follow the pigeons rather than waiting for them to hit your fields.


one way my friend gains shooting is to drive round the country side listening for automatic gas bangers, once these are located you know already they have problems with pigeons and though makes it easier to gain the land. :D

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