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moving home with my cabinet?

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Hi every one,


looking for a bit of advice i lived in middlesbrough but have just moved (same town) how do you inform the firearms officer do you need to send in your license and has anyone done it did you have to have another visit? iv bolted cabinet in ect in new house so wondering where to go next any advice thanks.

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Just send a letter/email to their usual contact address stating your name, cert number, old and new addresses and a phone number. Tell 'em which date you are moving in/moved in and expect a call to arrange a visit to check your new security arrangements.

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Moved some years back, just inform your "Present FAO" :

He will send your details to your new area::: if of course you are "STILL" in your own catchement area, you will still have to INFORM your "PRESENT" FAO of your change of surcumstances anyway, otherwise you WILL be outside of the LAW: ALL the information the retain on you HAS to be correct, if you WAIT till its due, you may find you have no licence to bother about..


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Sorry if I didn't make it clear yes ofcourse you must inform the relevant people but you dont need to send you cert in. The FEO will possibly come to see your new location and will then inform you about your paperwork. As I said previously I still have my Derbyshire certs but am now in lancs.

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No need to post your cert they may even not issue a new one until is due for renewal. I moved from Derbyshire t Lancashire and still have my old cert but am now registered in lancs.

wrong you need to tell them with 7 days off moveing house post old ticket off they ring you up come round to check cabinet and 9 out of 10 time fetch your ticket with them at same time iv moved 3 times in 10 years every time its bin the same

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wrong you need to tell them with 7 days off moveing house post old ticket off they ring you up come round to check cabinet and 9 out of 10 time fetch your ticket with them at same time iv moved 3 times in 10 years every time its bin the same




What you have to do is written on the front of your certificate.


It simply states "The holder of the certificate must, without undue delay, inform the chief officer of police by whom the certificate was granted of any change in his permanent address".


That's all you have to do. No sending your cert back, no 7 days mentioned.

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wrong you need to tell them with 7 days off moveing house post old ticket off they ring you up come round to check cabinet and 9 out of 10 time fetch your ticket with them at same time iv moved 3 times in 10 years every time its bin the same


No, there is no set time limit and you do not need to send your ticket to them. You must inform them 'without undue delay'.



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The requirement is contained in the standard conditions applies to the certificate. It requires that you inform the chief officer who granted the certificate of your change of address without undue delay. You do not need to notify anyone else.





No, there is no set time limit and you do not need to send your ticket to them. You must inform them 'without undue delay'.





See my post at #9 :D

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I moved from Surrey to West Sussex a couple of years ago.


I made sure on the day in question the cabinet could be unbolted, moved then bolted back at the new address.


Then I notified Surrey, I seem to remember they wanted the original back and told me to use a copy, don't quote me on that.


It actually took a while before Sussex made contact and sent someone round to check safe, but now I have a cert issued by Sussex.


It was no bother, as long as it's bolted up and you tell them where they're happy :good:

Edited by Muddy Funker
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