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.22lr cleaning and accuracy


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I know there is some debate over the whole to clean or not to clean argument when it comes to .22 rimfires, but my recently acquired CZ452 Silhouette has lost a lot of accuracy recently after having put around 200 rounds through it. Previously when zeroing at 60yards I could shoot a cloverleaf at worst, but now the group is an inch at best and more often larger than that. I was out rabbiting the other night and had to stop after what should have been a head shot ended up (luckily) as a clean kill chest shot at 60 yards. I should add that this is my first FAC rifle so am still learning...


Is it likely that the cause of this change in accuracy could be a dirty barrel? I have checked mounts etc for tightness, but having heard stories of people losing their accuracy after cleaning I've held off running some patches through the barrel. Interested to hear peoples views on what might be causing this issue...

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To be fair if we are talking a new gun with 200rounds through it then cleaning is unlikely to be your issue but its always worth cleaning to see. On some rimfires the firing pin protrudes further than the bolt and can contact the chamber on dry firing, check this as its a 2min job with a staight edge just decock the bolt so the pin protrudes and check. The cure for a dented chamber is easy enough get it to a good smith. The pin can also be sorted to prevent further damage

despite what some think rimfires should be cleaned well then re-leaded in (normally a box of ammo will suffice) to be at thier very best. Bolts on rimfires can sometimes have internal debris that creates uneven stiking so clean the bolt internally also.

Check out action screws and mounts for tention, we all miss this at times and on newly assembled guns its quite common for them to miraculously work loose

Wind and user error are the most likely "faults" that comes to mind, get to an indoor range and give it to a couple of the best shooters present and see if it drastically gets on form

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Thanks for the replies so far, I have given it a bit of a clean so will see if that helps. All screws are tight and I can't see any evidence of firing pin issues. As Kent has said, user error was the first thing that came to my mind too. Wind was definitely not an issue as there was no hint of wind on the evening. It may well be parallax error causing it too so will try and make sure thats not an issue. I'm using a Redfield scope with no parallax adjustment so I'm assuming that placement of my head on the stock will make a difference there.

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well i haven't cleaned my cz for 7 years ,just the barrel and action ,it could be what kent has said with dry firing ,but there is wind and temp to think of ,last time you shot it how may rounds did you put down range ? this could be because the barrel has warmed up and your groups have tightened up ,some rifles are different, the groups can open up with heat ,have you got a heavy varmint barrel ? ,if your out shooting at night and only shooting a few shots the temp out side could be cooler and also your barrel ,are you keeping to the same ammo ,i have had it were ive cleaned out my mod and the groups got better ?

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well i haven't cleaned my cz for 7 years ,just the barrel and action ,it could be what kent has said with dry firing ,but there is wind and temp to think of ,last time you shot it how may rounds did you put down range ? this could be because the barrel has warmed up and your groups have tightened up ,some rifles are different, the groups can open up with heat ,have you got a heavy varmint barrel ? ,if your out shooting at night and only shooting a few shots the temp out side could be cooler and also your barrel ,are you keeping to the same ammo ,i have had it were ive cleaned out my mod and the groups got better ?

Your having a laugh arnt you? how the heck can someone heat up a .22 using subs enough to make a difference worth a jot

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could possibly be just dodgy ammo,i have just come in from shooting today,started great and then had a bad patch half way through the day,5 shots not even close then back on song again,remember this is mass produced factory ammo so theres every chance of a few dodgy ones

atb dave

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If it's suddenly come on it's unlikely to be that it needs cleaning. Doing so may not be a bad idea, but it's unlikely to the reason.

Make certain the scope mounts are correct, that no action screws are loose, and that the moderator has not worked loose.


After those things I'd be thinking perhaps a parallax error, it's easy to shoot for some time in a certain position, then start moving your head around without knowing it, and the next thing you know your shots are going everywhere. One way to eliminate the problem is to pull your head back from the scope to give you a black ring round the image you see, align you head so that the ring is even all round then shoot - that is making sure your eye is lined up perfectly. If it then shoots correctly then you know it's a parallax problem.

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what sort of gun do you shoot on bunnies? Jeez me nees one of those big bannana jobs and a full auto

what sort of gun do you shoot on bunnies? Jeez me nees one of those big bannana jobs and a full auto

yep i had a 1022 with a few 25 round mags for my son to shoot ,i couldn't load the mags fast enough for him ,i took that off him and gave him the cz

that worked out cheaper lol

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To be fair if we are talking a new gun with 200rounds through it then cleaning is unlikely to be your issue but its always worth cleaning to see. On some rimfires the firing pin protrudes further than the bolt and can contact the chamber on dry firing, check this as its a 2min job with a staight edge just decock the bolt so the pin protrudes and check. The cure for a dented chamber is easy enough get it to a good smith. The pin can also be sorted to prevent further damage

despite what some think rimfires should be cleaned well then re-leaded in (normally a box of ammo will suffice) to be at thier very best. Bolts on rimfires can sometimes have internal debris that creates uneven stiking so clean the bolt internally also.

Check out action screws and mounts for tention, we all miss this at times and on newly assembled guns its quite common for them to miraculously work loose

Wind and user error are the most likely "faults" that comes to mind, get to an indoor range and give it to a couple of the best shooters present and see if it drastically gets on form


Thanks for that Kent I wondered if the firing pin should be marking the chamber :/ sorted it now and it seems to be extracting spent carts better too :):good:

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Check there isn't uneven pressure coming from the stock to the barrel along its length. Wood can move a fair bit in differing weather and might be enough to knock the accuracy.

His is a silhouette, the same as mine, they have a plastic stock.


I did a few tests yesterday with a mate, I found I had a few flyers with Win Subs, in a test of around 50 bullets.




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