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fox question

la bala

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just asking a question, thats what forums are for


Not this one sadly, mate; testosterone rules here!


My FAC which contains 2 22 Hornets and a 22 LR states, "the firearms and ammunition shall be used for shooting vermin and ground game/ fox and for zeroing.....) It does NOT specify which calibre for which species. Just let common sense prevail and err on the side of caution. In your case, with a total absence of fox specified, common sense says it's a no no.

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i wood have ed a guess but i will bet a months wages more foxes get shot dead with a 22 lr than c/f just my veiw if you keep ranges too 50 ......60 yards there more than enough and on your fac it says vermin and lets think about it im sure fox is classed as vermin

Edited by swiss.tony
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I spoke with cambs firearms dept a while ago now before I had my 22-250 for foxing I had a 17hmr and a 22lr and they said as long as it was close enough you can use your own judgement on weather it will be humane. The foxing calibres in the home office guidelines are guides on common calibres used there are larger calibres that are more than adequate for the job at the same range that are not mentioned Because it is just a guide. Which means there are also smaller calibres not mentioned but are still adequate (at the right range)


That was what I was told anyway

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Whilst unless at short range its not recommended, if you have vermin on your ticket - what is a fox?

No case law yet, as far as I am aware but I'm betting a fox is vermin and vice versa.

Anyone else know differently , i'd be grateful to hear it

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If your certificate says you can shoot 'vermin' with the .22lr then I'd say it's legal - or at least not illegal.


From the dictionary:


noun, plural ver·min.


noxious, objectionable, or disgusting animals collectively,especially those of small size that appear commonly and aredifficult to control, as flies, lice, bedbugs, cockroaches,mice, and rats.


an objectionable or obnoxious person, or such personscollectively.




I think that the dictionary makes it quite clear that vermin should include foxes - but with all this said, I wouldn't want to be the one up in court having to prove this to retain my certificate.


If you do have vermin listed and one crops up, only head shoot it and I wouldn't go at it beyond about 50 yards.

Edited by bedwards1966
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As per my earlier post I have only been playing devils advocate I only shoot foxes with my CF. I am just curious as where it says its not legal to use a rimfire


Precisely! My cert infers that it is legal, yet many others have it that it is not. The sooner they get the certs under one national control system with a common approach and wording the better.

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i asked this question a few years ago and was told that unless a states Fox for that caliber you are on dodgy ground when the 17hmr came to little lots of people were using them effectivley but it all comes down to humane Dispatch and my force will not pass a .22lr or 17hmr for use on foxes thats why my licence says 22 CF for foxes all you need is some do gooder to see you and ring the old bill they check you licence and next thing you know you are tird in knots.

your licence fare to say, we all know what we can do but if checked then it could be costly and then you have the RSPCA to deal with.

If you want an answer phone your fire arms department and ask them people on this forums only can advise not specify.

Hope that helps

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None of my CFs have fox. Just vermin and deer. That's all you need to shoot a fox in my opinion. Can you honestly imagine getting charged for shooting a fox under the 'wrong' condition of vermin? And who is honestly going to pull you up for it? Wouldn't stand in court in my opinion.



But that's just my opinion. Each to their own.

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I have been asking for humane despatch on my cert, as farmers sometimes have a problem which they look to you to solve.

My FEO's advice - it doesnt matter if its not on your ticket, if its just the odd one now and again.



I'm thinking of getting that in writing. However we are on much more solid ground with 'Vermin' IMHO.

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stop typing and just get out and shoot them!


more foxes get shot with .22lr than any other rifle....mainly because there are more .22lr than any other rifle!!


a) Vermin is not classified in law. a fox's inclusion in this is open to interpretation

b ) the .22lr is specifically mentioned in the HO guidance and refers to circumstances where it may be applicable

c) no-one has or is ever likely to be prosecuted for SOLELY shooting a fox when the FAC says Ground game and Vermin

d) who exactly is going to enforce this rule that doesnt exist and under what jurisdiction?


no-one cares apart from the forums

Edited by Bewsher500
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stop typing and just get out and shoot them!


more foxes get shot with .22lr than any other rifle....mainly because there are more .22lr than any other rifle!!


a) Vermin is not classified in law. a fox's inclusion in this is open to interpretation

b ) the .22lr is specifically mentioned in the HO guidance and refers to circumstances where it may be applicable

c) no-one has or is ever likely to be prosecuted for SOLELY shooting a fox when the FAC says Ground game and Vermin

d) who exactly is going to enforce this rule that doesnt exist and under what jurisdiction?


no-one cares apart from the forums


here here just shoot them in the head at 60 yards and throw them in ditch bottom job done then no 1 is any wiser

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what is listed in the Northern Ireland guidance notes:




22) Generally the most appropriate rifle cartridges for shooting foxes are .218 Bee, .22 Hornet

and.17 Remington though there is a wide range of suitable similar calibres commercially

available. .22 Rimfire is generally too low-powered to be effective against foxes, except at short

range, but may reasonably be permitted for use against them in certain circumstances. However,

sole use against foxes would not normally be good reason to acquire one..."

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