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There is no black and white answer to this as it all depends on what your force will allow you to shoot with the calibres you have chosen to acquire. My force will allow me to shoot vermin, fox and deer with my 243 but not fox with my rim fires each and everyone have different species listed on their calibres depending on their need. :good:

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All birds are protected. However, some may be shot under the terms of the General License issued anually by Natural England or those classed as game by the Game Act.

All Mammals may be shot except for those protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act.


Shooting seasons and not shooting on Sundays may apply.


Caliber restrictions only apply for shooting deer. See the Deer Act.

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Yes I know what you are saying what im trying to get across is how can your local force stop you when its not written down anywhere as to what you can and can't do with the exception of deer nothing else has a specific calibre or energy laid down

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The police don't have the power to make laws. There are guidelines published by the home office on what the recommended calibers are, different police forces then make their own decisions on what they will allow, within the law. I.e, some forces say a .243 is fine for foxes, some say a .22 hornet is enough, some say a .17HMR is fine, some don't etc.


However, all they can change is the wording on the certificate. If they put 'vermin', and foxes are classed as 'vermin', then you can shoot them, even if they don't consider that round suitable.


As an example, my certificate says I can shoot vermin with my .22lr. I didn't put fox down for it when I applied, and while I do not wish to shoot a fox with it, I could legally do so. If I shoot one and the firearms department don't like it, then that is their problem, as by putting down vermin they have allowed it.

It makes no difference what the force considers appropriate, what counts is the words on the certificate.

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this is an interesting thread. As I see it, parliament exists to make laws, judges to interpret those laws and the police to enforce the law. If it is not clearly laid out in law which caliber is suitable for which species, it is not the police's job to then act as law makers. I can understand that at times laws may not be perfectly clear - in these situations it is common for Government departments to issue guidelines and if these guidelines do exist then how can one force interpret them differently to another? Surely the purpose of guidelines is to clarify an ambiguous piece of legislation - if guidelines themselves are not clear enough for the rules to be interpreted consistently across then country then there is a serious problem.


In my opinion I think the police have too much discretion when it comes to all matters related to firearms. I don't have an FAC just a SGC but have experienced the polices "discretion" with this certificate.

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ive heard you cant take a fox with a shotgun in some areas ,and i asked are FAO if it was ok to take a rabbit with the 223 if i see one when out foxing ,he said ent that a bit over kill ,so i said whats or how do you refine how to kill something ,this pot is to hot ,this pot is to cold ,but this pot is just right ,lol best ask the BASC

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Ok so back to original thread rimfire for fox?

This thread could well be tied in with this other currently running thread: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/218421-17-for-fox/

Both are quite interesting as it shows just how much of a post code lottery shooting foxes with a rimfire is!

I and many others have said it before and we will no doubt say it again - "It's high time all firearms departments started singing from the same hymn sheet!"

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I have both 22 and 17 cleared for fox I dont use these I use my 22:250 im just trying to make the point that its unclear as to what each authority will or won't allow and also if you could be taken to task.


He he; trying to make a point about the law is like farting into the wind - only you get the benefit of the result.

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ive heard you cant take a fox with a shotgun in some areas ,


you hear some howlers on here at times and this is one of them, where did you "hear" that from then? as there are no laws covering what you can shoot with a shotgun other than the appropriate Game and general licence laws nothing would cover foxes or stop you from doing so as your license has no conditions attached.


As for FEO's making it up as they go along well they do to and extent and it seems to be made out to be far worse on the internet than it actually is, we are all governed by animal welfare laws leave injured foxes about and you can be prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering. Rimfires are a versatile tool that in the right situations are very useful on foxes, whether your FEO has a different view on foxes being vermin to the oxford dictionary is one thing but if you don't ask then you don't get told not to do it.

The fact no one has been pulled for it and BASC say keep shooting them if you have a vermin condition is quite indicative of what a "huge" problem it is.

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