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Pigeon shooting nightmare!!!!


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I understand the birds are unpredictable, but being told we would be first guns out this harvest and being told by game keeper and several locals that the fields we were on had been shot, fresh cases, piles of wads, 7 thousand birds. the second day was the only day we saw birds in the air in groups of 6-8 coming for a look but we sat from 8 am and got shooting at around 1/2 o clock then it died off sat till around 7pm a long day for our biggest bag of 27 birds. I could of bagged that at home in half the time! Apart from the poor show of birds we enjoyed the break and met some nice people! But my pigeon shooting trips are not going to happen again, I think it's the same where ever there are birds people making a pound when they can ! No matter where you go

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well the guide should be monitoring the day, and if he can see its not going to plan he should be doing his best to find you a spot were you will at least get a half decent day, also beforehand he should make sure he dosn,t put you in a spot that had clearly been shot in recent days leading up to it, same thing has happened to me,were a field had been shot days before i was due to shoot, and it does leave a sour taste in your mouth i can assure you

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I took some guns out a few months ago and one of them told me 3 of them had paid £90 EACH to a guide and had just been taken to one field and left all day . The result was they had 12 between them but told me their was not much more about.If you feel you have let your mates down you havent you booked the trip in good faith and thought you were going to shoot big numbers, you didnt but that happens with pigeon shooting sometimes it just happens when you least expect it other times you think you are going to have a good day and dont..What I would say is its great you took time arranging it for your mates dont worry Fenny.

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I would have thought it simply boils down to this; do you have any promises or guarantees in writing (email) which were not fulfilled? If so then you probably have some sort of recourse to a refund just like any other business transaction, presumably the crowd you paid operate as a business? If not and the usual 'wild birds' caveats apply then unfortunately it may have to get put down to experience.


Promising that someone is first on a harvest then letting a load of shooters on (and dumping the dead birds, but that's another matter, wasteful and fuel for the antis...) is bad form.

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I agree ! If there was no birds then we wouldn't of spent 120 on diesel to get there n back.


It all sounds a bit of a nightmare, I'd be more annoyed that I'd travelled as far as you have and spent all that on fuel than the fact that birds did a 'no show' on you.


Out of interest, how much did the shooting set you back?


If you'd mentioned it 2 days in, I'd have felt sorry for you and given you a day out on mine, I'm only 2 junctions south of nuneaton.

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To all on this post.. Sorry for butting in on markyboy's post, but Pigeon Shooting Nightmare was too much of a temptation to ignore..


M Robson


This was the first time we hired guns, so it was up to him to get it right. Did not know that you can get VSPs when you don't get your guns over. That would have prevented everything.

And what's an RFD please?

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Hey markyboy.


I have read your post with interest and do know that be it shooting or fishing, you cannot guarantee a good day, week or whatever. If you read any of my previous posts you will see I have good and bad days,


I don't do it for a living but in the next week or so a lot of wheat combining will be carried out in my patch (the midlands) and I would like to offer you and your mate an invite to come down this way.




Dave K

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Hey markyboy.


I have read your post with interest and do know that be it shooting or fishing, you cannot guarantee a good day, week or whatever. If you read any of my previous posts you will see I have good and bad days,


I don't do it for a living but in the next week or so a lot of wheat combining will be carried out in my patch (the midlands) and I would like to offer you and your mate an invite to come down this way.




Dave K



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I understand birds sometimes don't play ball ! But uve no idea how much we were looking forward to our trip saving money, getting the gear, shells etc! Our own fault really! But on the lead up to the trip the guide says that you will be on 100 plus days at worst ! Your hopes get built up and we were really looking forward to it! We saw more empty cases and spent wads scattered about the fields than pigeon. The truth came to light when the keeper came for a bleather and and said a bunch of Cypriots had shot hundreds the previous week on that very same field! It never clicked either until the local village pub landlady said he was here last week with his jeep stuffed full of pigeon ! Rouge!!!

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I've been thinking of writing something this last week of my 2 brother's and a mate's misadventures in Scotland the week before. They booked a week's shooting in February and hired guns from the guide to avoid the hassle of taking guns through airports. For the first three days, not a pigeon in sight anywere, harvest not on, fair enough. Forth day, they were taken further, decent shooting, 3 guns got about 70 birds. Fifth day, slow work, round 5pm when things began to pick up, the police turned up and as the owner of the guns, guide, whatever was not present (he left 2 helpers with the guns), they spent the night in lock up to be released the next morning with no charge and missed the last day as the guns remained with the police.

That was a nice week in Scotland,,not..


That's exactly what happened to me 10 years ago or so in Scotland (before I permanently moved over). a guide took our money for permits and never got them but failed to tell us, we were more unlucky as it was day one and we spent a couple of grands to shoot 3 days....and we couldn't even go home as our flight was booked for 3 days after

Suspect it might be the same guide...





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