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best time off day to shoot pigions

matty thud

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new to pigion shooting normaley out with rimmi but just got shot gun ticket and shotgun coz farmer asked me to try sort pigions out that are hitting his crops hav been out with a freind before pigion shooting but thought just ask yu lads wot time is best set up morn or afternoons :hmm:

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Recently I've only been able to get out shooting in the afternoons, and I haven't found many about. I've been cursing because, when I take the dog out at 6am, there are loads of them. I'm convinced that sod's law is the most important factor in pigeon shooting. But certainly, most people seem to say "early in winter, mid-afternoon ish in summer".

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I've set up three times this week at about 2pm and although I have had some decent shooting I believe that by that time of day the birds have full crops and may not be too keen to return once disturbed. I've pushed hundreds off the fields I intended to shoot and only a small percentage came back.


If there is a dry day this weekend I will attempt to set up by 11am to see if that makes a difference.

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I've found at this time of year that gettting out early yields the best results. My farmer friend is just bringing in his maize field by field so I'm shooting each field as he harvests and I have had a few good mornings setting up for 8 ish and staying until 11 ish. Keeps the other half happy too as I'm back home before lunch (especially if it's a weekend).

I've had a couple of days where I've gone out about 14:00 and stayed for a couple of hours but the birds don't seem to be that bothered about landing. They'll circle the pattern fairly high up 2 or 3 times and then ****** off. I guess they're just full by then.

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