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lead price

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Guest cookoff013

simple, we started paying silly prices, so the industry maintained the prices.


the stuff we are shooting now was made into shot 6 months or so ago.


when i asked a cartridge company why the price of steel shells were up, they told me that because lead prices had increased. i told them there were no lead in steel shells.....

i didnt get a reply..

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Sits but the cartridge boys dont go to the scrappy they buy from LME $2550 in August 2011 now $1950 but June 2011 $1750 per ton approx £400 per ton cheaper


The lead price has gone down by £12 per thousand x that by the ammount they produce per week and they are quids in



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If you buy the product they will maintain prices. Unless we make a concerted effort to complain to the cartridge manufacturers they will continue to profiteer.

When lead prices dropped they said fuel had gone up, wages had gone up, transport charges have gone up, in fact any reason not to drop prices will do.

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Perhaps we should ask, Why can Malmo, Ladds of Crediton & other gunshops import cartridges from Italy & Spain and sell them cheaper than Express, Hull, Eley & Gamebore? ???



Lets all buy just the imports for a few months,just to get the attenion of the home manufacturers.

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Lets all buy just the imports for a few months,just to get the attenion of the home manufacturers.


You are already! The cases, primers, powder, wads and shot* are all made abroad.


*a little is made here by Eley and Gamebore, but only small shot. We did this to the steel industry......

Edited by Floating Chamber
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I suppose that evene if the price of lead has dropped in the last 5 years, the price of petrol and import taxes have gone up a fair bit.


If you then consider the law on Haz-Mat, this restricts the competition on deliveries, so, the curier could put up whatever price he feels like as there are only a handful of them authorised to transport such materials.


The minimum wage has also gone up in the last 5 years.


Also, someone suggested a drop in price by £400 per tonne.....how much is this related to a 32gr cartridge? to me is about £0.01 which is about £ 0.25 per box...


Manufacturer in Italy and Spain get cheaper powder (most of the powder used are produced in these two countries), home made lead, shells and wads, they don't pay much for transport due to short distances (some of them have their own transport department), hence the cheaper price. Also, if you consider that importer from UK buy them in 100 thousends and not just thousends, you see that price come down a fair bit.


To me, as my name says, the continental cartridges are better with better quality component (although some save on quality powder) but in the end, if you reload yourself, it's still come cheaper.


Good Idea would be to buy a tonne or so of lead from china (found it on ebay) or group toghether to buy one of these lead maker and recycle some scrap lead.


If all reloaders from the same area (or driving distance) would do that, there won't be many buying cartridges anymore, hence the price will go down!


I'd buy the machine myself, but wouldn't know where to get lead and the search would nullify any saving I can make on my own but if we were few....


Cheers the noo



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