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How often can you shoot in the same feild without pigeons wising up


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Im on guernsey not many farms plenty of shooters. The farm i have permission on has only cut two wheat fields as the weather has been ****, i shoot 40 pigeons on it today and another chap shot 30 yesterday.

A cople of feilds up there are hundreds of pigeons still on the the uncut wheat so there are plenty more about. My question is how often can i shoot in the same spot? Will the pigeons learn? Also the feilds which are waiting to be cut are the main ones the pigeons feed on so i dont want to scare all the pigeons off before these are cut so i cant shot them. Will all the banging down the road scare them away for good.?



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What is a problem for you, is also a problem for the pigeons (although they could fly over to Jersey).

The shortage of fields means they are restricted as to where they can feed and feed they must.

I would shoot the field at every opportunity, if you don't it sounds as though someone else will.

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I have shot 1 field 3 times in the past week.


The first time I had a magnet and turbo flapper going and got 42 woodies and 8 ferals, they were coming to the magnet set at the side of the pattern and curling around it to get to the pattern.


The second time I had to pack up after an hour as the farmer was drilling the stubble but got 10. The birds were still interested but a little wary.


Third time the birds would come but spook off so I turned of the magnet which helped but they still wouldn't commit and flared off until I tried turning off the turboflapper at which point they started coming right in again and I got 21 birds.


I think if you are going to shoot the same field regularly you need to change your methods which the pigeons may recognise as a danger.

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Try tying up the shooting so that you have exclusive use for shooting over them by either paying the farmer in cash or handing over copious quantities of booze. There is nothing worse than turning up to shoot a field which you have been watching for a while only to find someone else already on it.

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Yeh the annoying thing is i didnt realize i was not the only one shooting so i was trying to wait till he had cut his main feilds where the most pigeons are before i shot so they didnt get weary and i could hopefully get a couple of large bags now i feel like im having to compete with this other chap just to get some decent shooting. So will they wise up to the magnet if i keep using it?

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Birds in heavily shot parts of the mainland do get wary of the magnet. If you have been reading some of the posts you will have noticed that even experienced shooters have struggled this season with birds not decoying. This will be partly, but not exclusively, due to over use of magnets.


Take advantage of birds which have never seen a magnet by getting them to decoy correctly and killing them. That way they tend not to return.

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