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In the Telegraph report I cannot find reference to her being the shooter.


The article reads "


Mr Ferrie, who owns his own mobile caravan and motorhome servicing business, had confronted four burglars, aged between 23 and 33, who broke into the cottage and fired a legally-owned shotgun at them, injuring two." indicating that he fired the gun.


It does say that his wife "Mrs Ferrie is understood to be a keen shooter and trains gun dogs." but that doesnt mean that she did the shooting.


Unless I am mistaken




No, I suppose a keen shooter doesn't do any shooting really. From what information is provided, I am inclined to believe that she is the license holder due to the fact the husband is not mentioned (withh regards to 'keen shooter'). Of course, this is assumption, but with the information given its well supported. As quoted, he fired the gun, what are the implications for him if he is not a license holder?

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Of course, this is assumption, but with the information given its well supported. As quoted, he fired the gun, what are the implications for him if he is not a license holder?

She was supervising and is the occupier.....





Tongue in cheek!

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An intruder/burgler intent on going about his dirty deeds will use whatever force neccessary upto and including terminal to get away if confronted or disturbed.

Hence the earlier example of the guy bludgeoned to death in the so called burglary gone wrong.

How can it be a burglary gone wrong? the intruders were disturbed and in order to make their escape the beat an old man to death.

If an intruder is prepared to use any amount of force to get away then the householder should be allowed to use any amount of force to stop them.



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At least the couple's MP is supporting them. Good to see some government types putting their necks out a bit. From the Telegraph;


"Alan Duncan, the Conservative MP for Rutland and Melton, and Minister of State for International Development, said the householders should not be prosecuted for defending their home.

"If this is a straightforward case of someone using a shotgun to defend themselves against burglars in the dead of night, then I would hope that the police will prosecute the burglars and not my constituents," he said.

"The householder is the victim here and justice should support them and prosecute the burglars." "

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"Alan Duncan, the Conservative MP for Rutland and Melton, and Minister of State for International Development, said the householders should not be prosecuted for defending their home.

"If this is a straightforward case of someone using a shotgun to defend themselves against burglars in the dead of night, then I would hope that the police will prosecute the burglars and not my constituents," he said.

"The householder is the victim here and justice should support them and prosecute the burglars." "

if that happens it maybe a clear message to scumbags

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Burglary is not a capital offence. If you shoot someone because you think your life in under threat that's one thing. If you shoot him for braking into your house that's different.

Where do you draw the line cut peoples hands of for steeling stone women for adultery.bang right we do do you think asbo"S and smacks on backs of hands really work





You would like sharia type law fair enough. We could have public executions as well.

PS I wouldn't like to live in the sort of country you would like.

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Has a few things in common with the Tony Martin case.....if the four burglars had been on their property and in their own house they would not have been shot.

If you were in your remote house. Lights out etc. See and heard things outside, the noise of a window smashing or door being forced...your cabinet is in the room not far away...would you be ringing 999 to report a burglary happening..imagine the call...we need an exact locating. Ok and do you know the postcode...do you have a contact number. We will now transfer you to the correct department......the guy or woman did what they had to do my eyes. And I would do the same.

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Has a few things in common with the Tony Martin case.....if the four burglars had been on their property and in their own house they would not have been shot.

If you were in your remote house. Lights out etc. See and heard things outside, the noise of a window smashing or door being forced...your cabinet is in the room not far away...would you be ringing 999 to report a burglary happening..imagine the call...we need an exact locating. Ok and do you know the postcode...do you have a contact number. We will now transfer you to the correct department......the guy or woman did what they had to do my eyes. And I would do the same.


The difference with the Tony Martin case is he used a illegally obtained shotgun. Having his licence revoked for shooting at the car of someone who made the mistake of driving up his lane. Hardly a good reason to shoot at someone.


Do you apply the same logic if the guy had not went up his drive he wouldn't have being shot at.

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The difference with the Tony Martin case is he used a illegally obtained shotgun. Having his licence revoked for shooting at the car of someone who made the mistake of driving up his lane. Hardly a good reason to shoot at someone.


Do you apply the same logic if the guy had not went up his drive he wouldn't have being shot at.


I am afraid some dense types on here Ordnance just don't get ! the case has not even be before the courts yet & they are just itching to pull the trigger ! .


I don't know the ins & outs of this case yet but if you just fire a shot out the bed room window up in the air if you here some one breaking in the chances are they will legit

mighty fast ! even that could cost you your cert in the UK . ?

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And if they are in your house, forced entry. Do you just hope they are not going to harm you ? I am not saying for one minute I would be blasting away like Clint Eastwood but if it got to the stage of protecting yourself and family from whatever was in store then maybe I would do what these people did.

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And if they are in your house, forced entry. Do you just hope they are not going to harm you ?


I think most would agree that we would defend ourselves by whatever means possible,however when some on here are talking about dry rehersals etc thats a little bit different dont you think ? BB

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We all know the correct way to go about it and what not to do, but haven't we all seen red mist at some point in life and done stupid things we possibly regret later ? Until you are in the situation you don't really know what we would do. I think the guy who did the dry run to prove it was possible only. None of us would willingly shoot another human being or wave guns around knowing the likelihood would be having your guns and the rights to own one revoked, but in the light of things if you were pretty sure your own life and that of your family was seriously threatened would you just think if I defend my family there goes my chance of a few pigeons or I won't lamp a fox again ! Without knowing the full story to this case its hard to pass judgement but you can only assume they felt at the time .

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If I was in that situation I think I would get the shotgun out. Then I'd back myself into the corner of my bedroom with my other half and shout my position to whoever was there. If they leave with the tv so what? My family would be safe and thet's all that matters. If they chose to come and see if I was serious then they'd have plenty of time to take a look and make their decision but if they made it more than half way across the room I was in then it would be a barrel to the upper body and the law wouldn't even cross my mind.


I think the members here who suggest that people with my opinion "want to shoot a burglar" need to have a think. Say you sit back and you end up getting taped up, your wife raped/beaten until you give them your safe keys and money... That's not going to happen in my world if there is any way at all that I can stop it. If I have to mess someone up then so be it, they shouldn't be there and I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six. :yes:

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Are there any statistics to show the amount of robberies as opposed to burglaries? I.E. the perpetrators knew the house was occupied but carried on. Seems the chances of it happening are quite remote yet we have people timing themselves from getting out of bed to having a loaded gun in their hands. Last post from me on this as Im off to practice being in a car crash / breaking a leg.

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If I was in that situation I think I would get the shotgun out. Then I'd back myself into the corner of my bedroom with my other half and shout my position to whoever was there. If they leave with the tv so what? My family would be safe and thet's all that matters. If they chose to come and see if I was serious then they'd have plenty of time to take a look and make their decision but if they made it more than half way across the room I was in then it would be a barrel to the upper body and the law wouldn't even cross my mind.


I think the members here who suggest that people with my opinion "want to shoot a burglar" need to have a think. Say you sit back and you end up getting taped up, your wife raped/beaten until you give them your safe keys and money... That's not going to happen in my world if there is any way at all that I can stop it. If I have to mess someone up then so be it, they shouldn't be there and I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six. :yes:


Now this is a well balanced post that I whole heartedly agree with - the last 2 lines sum it up categorically.

Well said,



Should be like South Park - so long as you shout "Oh my god, he's coming right for us" then it's ok to shoot !

God bless the US of A

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"If I was in that situation I think I would get the shotgun out. Then I'd back myself into the corner of my bedroom with my other half and shout my position to whoever was there. If they leave with the tv so what? My family would be safe and thet's all that matters".



And if your child / children were in the next room??

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"If I was in that situation I think I would get the shotgun out. Then I'd back myself into the corner of my bedroom with my other half and shout my position to whoever was there. If they leave with the tv so what? My family would be safe and thet's all that matters".



And if your child / children were in the next room??

that would change things maybe the guys who posted this dont have kids

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Just to put the record straight it was not a dry run, I read people on here saying that it would take five to ten minutes , maybe true if you have a large house , but if you live in a very small bungalow it won't take anywhere near that time , I said to the wife time me, in 20 seconds I had open the cabinet , put gun in slip and loaded cartridge bag so it was not a dry run just proving a point that most people keep cabinet in a location fairly easy for them to get at, if you live in a mansion yes it could be at the other end of the house, if I'm in bed my cabinet is nearer than the phone.


No one knows exactly how they would react in the heat of the moment and no license holder would want to have to use their gun in self defence unless it was a last resort and their life was in imminent danger, at least that's what I would hope, after all we are the responsible ones aren't we?

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