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I've run out of ammo!


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I put my variation in around 5 weeks ago now for a few new guns and stocked up to my full allowance of ammo due to the experiences on here. I get through around 500 .22LR rounds a month and have now run out.


I've been phoing my local constabulary to see when the variation will be ready and all I get is a not interested "another couple of weeks answer". Ive explained that I've run out of ammo and cannot forfil my pest control needs and target shooting hobby and nobody really seems to care. The club ammo doesn't get on with my gun, is filthy and expensive so I reall don't want to buy that.


Is there a temp certificate that the police can issue to let me buy ammo.

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Next time write a letter with your variation and send your ticket when the leg work has been done, Leices do that anyway.


I've heard there are some RFD's who can issue ammunition without a cert, I've heard of one in my area, but I think you need to be in the respective force area.

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Its not a problem here you get a letter out confirming they have got your application. You can use the letter as authority to buy ammo.


Yes I think its a similar thing in my force area, but rather than a letter a phone call to the plod by the RFD, along with ID.

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Ring your licensing authority and ask that they return your old ticket.You are not legally obliged to hand in your current one at times of renewal,nor do licensing need it.

I sent mine in as requested at last renewal(unaware that I needn't have) and when FEO called round he issued me with a temporary permit but this didn't allow me to buy ammo.He offered to give me back my old ticket there and then if I thought I would need ammo,but as my allowance is large I wasn't bothered,but if I needed any I would call at Police HQ and pick it up.

If they refuse to return it get in touch with your shooting organisation asap;that's what they're there for.

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I asked the same question to my Firearms unit a few years back on a renewal, (ran out of .22 rf and didnt think to top up before I sent it off) and got told "you should have bought more before you sent it in". I just got my brother in law who Ishoot with to buy it and I bought it off him,


ATB Flynny

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I took the diplomatic role this time and as always it seems to work better than the planned rant. Apparently it should be on my mat tomorrow although that means around 1500 by the time Royal Snail actually deliver.


Just shows how great PW is, I've had loads of people offering to help. Thanks for that guys :good:

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Next time write a letter with your variation and send your ticket when the leg work has been done, Leices do that anyway.


I've heard there are some RFD's who can issue ammunition without a cert, I've heard of one in my area, but I think you need to be in the respective force area.


This isn't true. The dealer would break the law. How does he know that tou have an FAC?




Its not a problem here you get a letter out confirming they have got your application. You can use the letter as authority to buy ammo.


You can't.



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As I posted on another thread on PW today, anyone can make mistakes, and some departments frankly have made rods for their own backs hence the delays in some areas.


It does no harm at all to pick up the phone and have a chat so they and get things sorted or nudge them along


Its important to be polite and sensible. Being angry or petulant will get you nowhere in the longer run.


But if they constantly mess up or constantly dump on daft or restrictive conditions for example, that the time to start complaining, unfortunately if there are no written complains on bad practice, when we go into bat for members the Ch Constable looks in the file and simply shrugs their shoulder – ‘No complaints in the file Mr BASC, so I guess all you members in tis area must be happy’


So yes a quick call can often help, if not a letter, if not a more formal written complaint –Please help us to help you.





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