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What age to start gundog training


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Hey Ben,

I think mate you should buy a book, Eric Begbie A step by step guide to Gundog Training this will give you an idea. Also if this is your first dog then look for a gun dog training school in your area. Where abouts in the country are you someone in here could point you in the right direction.


At the moment I wouldn't do anything with your pup just play and pet him. At 8 weeks you can introduce sit, do this by calling the dog to you, lift his chin up with you right hand and with your left hand pushing down gently and firmly on his rump and say sit as his bum touches the floor, reward this action with praise (not treats) scruff his ears and under his chin. I would rehearse this 3 times twice a day. Then don't do anything else formal till he's 12 weeks. By this time you should have got yourself a gundog training book wither from the library or off amazon.


All the best mate,


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6 weeks is very young to be away from it's mother?


I always let them settle in until around 12 weeks, then start with the very basics of recall, sit, stay and heel.


Work at these little and often and let him be a pup, this is a very important bonding time for you so take your time!


I never start any formal training or introduction to gunshot until they are at least 6 months old, sometimes 9 months depending on the dog.

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6 weeks is very young to be away from it's mother?


I always let them settle in until around 12 weeks, then start with the very basics of recall, sit, stay and heel.


Work at these little and often and let him be a pup, this is a very important bonding time for you so take your time!


I never start any formal training or introduction to gunshot until they are at least 6 months old, sometimes 9 months depending on the dog.


Would you start throwing balls and letting them bring it back to you before 6 months just not formally in a playful way to stimulate the dogs brain?

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it shouldnt be away from the mum at 6wks IMO. They are all different but its more a case of not spoiling them than formal training. Some say play training which is perhaps a good description meaning fun only no disapline ie you know when you crouch down and call it it will bound over so reward it with a few kind words and a bit of a tickle etc. stepping on to if it comes to you with an object in its mouth it gets the same but no stealing it away and rollicking! Some are 6mnths before they can really handle the real nuts and bolts some are 12 or more

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sorry its out of one of my litters i should of made that clearer. the reason is that the mother i left it to late to train her which made it alot harder, she now is great worker but just gets scared when in the beaters trailer after being attacked by another dog hence im going to use the pup instead and use the mother solely pigeon shooting. i think i will go out and buy that book and have a look through it cheers for your advice.

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The odd time I buy a young pup I don’t really do anything with it apart from let the grandkids and the girl over the rd play with it and take it for a walk.


When they get to about six months I then start to train them and as they are old enough to be trained at this age, by the time they are 1 year old most can start to have the odd day being shot over.


Don’t take that as a guide thow, I have had some labs that could be shot over at 8 months and some that I would not take being shot over until they are 18 months old.


What I am saying is why start training at a very young age when what you really should be doing is socializing the dog. Don’t make the mistake as some people seem to by rushing to start with the tennis ball and wonder why the pup gets P off with the whole thing.


seen so many post on here asking why their pup has stoped bringing the dummy back, it has to be fun for the pup.

Edited by Actionpigeons
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If i didnt know what to do with the dog i would of looked into it which I already have for my last lab I was just unsure on some things that didn't go easy with the training like I left it to late with training and it was allot more hard work. I was looking for some additional advice from people who may of come upon this problem. He's getting along fine at the minute sits and stays comes back to whistle and retrieves to hand none of this has been forced upon him he just enjoys doing it. He's only 9 weeks today I haven't tried training other than the sit a recall he just wanted to retrieve.

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