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Brian May on R4: badger cull will lead to civil war


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I haven't seen anyone mention this yet.

Brian May was on Farming Today on Radio 4 this morning talking about the badger cull.


The part that got me was approx 8 mins in when he was asked about violent or direct action and he said "I can't talk about that" or similar words. In my opinion he can talk about about that and refused the opportunity to condemn or disown any violence or illegal activity.


In fact he kept using very emotive words such as violence, civil war etc all the way through.

Also claimed that the badgers would be destroyed and would never recover.


It is approx 12 mins long. Worth a listen if you haven't heard it already http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b01mnr3b




Edit to add: I considered adding this to the telegraph poll thread, but that seems to be more a discussion about whether the cull is right or wrong; where as this post is to highlight the possible repercussions when it does go ahead.

Edited by HW682
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I haven't seen anyone mention this yet.

Brian May was on Farming Today on Radio 4 this morning talking about the badger cull.


The part that got me was approx 8 mins in when he was asked about violent or direct action and he said "I can't talk about that" or similar words. In my opinion he can talk about about that and refused the opportunity to condemn or disown any violence or illegal activity.


In fact he kept using very emotive words such as violence, civil war etc all the way through.

Also claimed that the badgers would be destroyed and would never recover.


It is approx 12 mins long. Worth a listen if you haven't heard it already http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b01mnr3b

and the antis say we are the violent ones because we own firearms !!!
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This is like deja vu all over again...


Not quite. The post wasn't meant to be a genral Brian may bashing thread.

Have a listen to what he says and whether you are pro or anti cull I think that because he has gone out of his way to make these commenst it is not unreasonable to discuss them.

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Civil war over badgers? I doubt it. It's a hot issue, and there could be violence, but to suggest civil war is ridiculous.


Of course the badgers will recover. Wales aren't doing a cull and neither is Scotland. Even in England, no one is trying to wipe them out completely.


I wonder if Brian May has badgers living in his hair?

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Not quite. The post wasn't meant to be a genral Brian may bashing thread.

Have a listen to what he says and whether you are pro or anti cull I think that because he has gone out of his way to make these commenst it is not unreasonable to discuss them.


Yeah but he is regurgitating the same old inane drivel (I can tell that from the comments here and don't need to listen to the feed). The Mandela / Apartheid type rhetoric is ridiculous and talk of civil war highlights the nature of his cretinous views. Not worth the bandwidth.


Ironically the closest I ever came to a live badger, within touching distance, was whilst barbel fishing in the early hours of the morning just before first light on the river Teme a few hundred yards from its confluence with the river Severn. The irony being that that very field is the site of a battle during the English Civil War; in fact I believe it may have been the first battle of that war - the Battle of Powick Bridge.

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Every shoot I have has huge amounts of badger sets on them. They ain't going extinct for a long time yet regardless of what cull we have

That is exactly my situation, 2 farms are "swamped" by them,numbers have increased incredibly within the past 15yrs where I shoot.Whether or not you agree with a cull,the impact of uncontrolled badger numbers on other wildlife is considerable even without the issue of TB.

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Yeah but he is regurgitating the same old inane drivel (I can tell that from the comments here and don't need to listen to the feed). The Mandela / Apartheid type rhetoric is ridiculous and talk of civil war highlights the nature of his cretinous views. Not worth the bandwidth.



to be honest, I had taken your post as a bit of a dig at bashing BM again. Hence my suggestion to listen because I thought this time his comments as oppossed to his big hair, music, personality etc were worth discussing. Easy to misinterpret internet comms.

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