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Defending your home against the burgular !

Will Poon

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if you think that you are in danger or your family are at risk of lossing your life you are allowed to protect your self as well as family thats what i was led to belive but then the question comes up are they going to wait till you get your gun out the cab probley ok if you have it in the bedroom but i think you have to show that you were in danger of lossing your life like if they had a gun or aknife or really any object in there hand then i would say yes well i would if they came into my house with knifes our any object that i thought was going to be life threatning to me or my family and yes i would shoot them

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English law has always allowed the use of force, up to and including lethal force, for self defence.


The problem is that each incident is judged upon the individual circumstances.


Does this judgement give blanket permission to shoot intruders? - No, it does`nt.


The same rules still apply although the "stated case" that this judicial decision gives, at long last, puts a common sense slant on the whole thing.

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I haven't kept up with this story. Did those people get their guns back? And if not how does that square with their being absolved of any wrong-doing?

I can't trust a judicial system when one judge can warn burglers they should expect to be shot and have no-one to blame but themselves, while another tells them they are brave for the risks they take. Where do they find these people?

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I haven't kept up with this story. Did those people get their guns back? And if not how does that square with their being absolved of any wrong-doing?

I can't trust a judicial system when one judge can warn burglers they should expect to be shot and have no-one to blame but themselves, while another tells them they are brave for the risks they take. Where do they find these people?


its a mixed message and the second case he did have the PM telling him to get a grip.


This case it was done right it was true self defence with a legal firearm and the career criminals had a history of violence so they were lucky they had a gun in the house. But you can't sleep with one under the bed loaded in case it still has to be stored properly, however if you do get time to get it out and load it and are scared for your life then you can use it simple. Much as you can use a cricket bat or knife and though you will be arrested as long as it was in self defence you will go free. However shoot them in the back running away you won't or shoot the milkman because he is a bit early or trickle treaters and you will get locked up. The thing with this case is it was very much in the public eye and I wouldn't be surprised if the CPS got lent on from very high to release them ASAP

As far as licensing goes they are looking to emigrate so I doubt we will hear if they kept the gun or not. If it was out ready then they can expect to not keep it.

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the law is clear it is 'appropriate and proportionate' defence which is permissable.If you leave your gun out or have pre-meditated use of your shotgun I would suggest your defence would be much more difficult..If I heard someone in my house I would not dream of getting any guns out......perhaps a bat and the dogs but not a gun.I would hope for most of us even the thought of using guns would be only a last & desperate resort......This is not USA and these cases do not GIVE the green light to home defence..Whatever we all think of burglars/thiefs,just imagine it was your son/nephew slammed at a mates 18th fumbling into the wrong garden shed...would you be happy for them to get shot!!!??..cannot have a carte blanche 'yes its fine to shoot people'...truly mad.

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If you live in an isolated dwelling and you hear clattering in the outbuildings I guess you have time to get your gun for self defence for when you go and investigate, or to protect you and yours in your final refuge. The terror is in the waiting for them to bash down your bedroom door. That's when fury, fear and anxiety kick in. That's when you are covered.

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If you have time to get it out to defend yourself then that's great, but you have to be in fear of your life or the life of your family to use such force. As comments above, I struggle to understand how it goes far enough to actually shoot the burglers. Surly the closing of a gun would be enough to send anyone running, or if it was me they would get a warning shot first. They would have to be total loonys not to run after that, if they still come at you, then you may not have any choice.

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I think in general the pendulum of law is swinging back to the side of the home owner.


If you have your shotgun upstairs and there’s an intruder downstairs then it’s in your best interested to take the gun to defend yourself and your property.


I guess things might be a bit different if a farmer used his hunting rifle to score a headshot on the person breaking into his barn.

But shooting a shotgun cart at a couple of intruders in the kitchen to make then run back out the door seems fair enough.

(just keep the second cart ready in case one of them runs towards you)

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