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Have I got news for you. Did I just actually witness that?


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If the beeb have something to say they should make a statement not use a bunch of comedians and a failed politician. It was painful watching them squirm, it should have been omitted as a topic


How could they? It would be conspicuous bu its absence. It is the elephant in the room.

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I dont get the whole saville thing. If a bunch of nurses knew saville was a predatory sex offender on their ward and they did nothing about it surely its them that should get arrested? the blokes dead, why is it all coming out now?


Thought that myself mate , don't nurses have a duty of care or something like that, some sort of allegiance to the care of kids, if he was reported and the top managers did nowt , it's them who want questioning and being held responsible,


Atb flynny

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It seems to me that everyone thought he was a strange bloke (Louis Theroux episode for example) and a weirdo and no-one (outside of the media industry strangely enough?) appears surprised by the allegations, the issue would seem to be whether or not he, along with others, were "protected" by people within the entertainment industry.


It seems reminiscent of the old Holywood attitude where "stars" were indulged in every way with any and all vices they could demand or imagine! If you think back to even the comedy of the time, On the Buses, Rising Damp etc the treatment of women was completely different to now and some things which would have been on the borderlines of acceptablility would now be considered absolutely taboo.


I'm not looking to condone the cigar smoking pervert in any way, the more details of the allegations that are slipping out the more disgusting he appears to have been, I am merely pointing out that some things may have been thought of differently 30+ years ago and if the media in its own self righteous protectionism begins to look to extending their self powered bandwagon to allow to tarring and feathering of any bloke who may not have asked to see ID for a groupie circa 1973 then I'd guess there could be a lot of pop stars of the era who may be suffering from a bout of twitchy sphincter!

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I simply cannot believe all the accusations regarding Jimmy-next they will be telling me that he wasn't even qualified when he did my prostate examination.


Is that when he said "dont worry its quite normal to get an erection during this procedure"


When you replied "i havent got one"


He said "No but I have"

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