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recoil what recoil??

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It all depends what you term a "light game-gun" To me that would be 6 lbs (2.75 kg), which would make it perfectly well suited to firing loads of one to one-and one-sixteenth ozs, or 28 g - 32 g. 35 g loads would be more suited to a gun weighing something in the region of seven to seven-and-a-quarter pounds.


That's because it's long been recognised by good gunmakers that a sporting shotgun should weigh approximately ninety-six times the charge it is intended to shoot.


Felt recoil can be influenced by - obviously enough - the weight of the gun, and also by fit. An ill-fitting gun can dish out a fair bit of punishment. And the ability to absorb recoil counts for more than whether the shooter is heavily or lightly built - think of how a good boxer can "ride a punch".


Another factor affecting recoil which isn't so commonly recognised is cartridge headspace - in crude terms, the amount of room the rim of the cartridge has when it's chambered. Some cartridges have thinner rims than others, and so can move to and fro very slightly when the gun is closed. Whilst this movement might appear almost imperceptible, it can add up to a fair bit of extra kick when the firing-pin pushes the cartridge forward as far as it can go, and the explosion of the charge slams it right back again.


Some guns (the Darne and the Bretton), which are built very light, have actions which allow the chambers to be cammed up against the standing breech (or vice-versa), thus pretty much eliminating headspace. That's why these guns don't seem to recoil too severely in spite of their unconventional charge / weight ratio (the Baby Bretton in 12 bore with 3 inch chambers weighs only 5 lbs!)


I can remember an experiment being done many years ago which was intended to reduce headspace-induced recoil in a game-gun. Very thin circular shims were introduced between the cartridges and the standing breech until all movement within the chambers had been eliminated whilst still allowing the gun to close comfortably. The shims were drilled to allow passage of the firing-pins and then fixed in place with Araldite. Subsequent tests proved that recoil was substantially reduced.

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Guest cookoff013

Hi guys

iv read a couple of posts about guns being uncomfortable to shoot, is this somthing you notice when you get older? I dont realy feel the effects of recoil even through my very light sbs game gun firing alot of 35g black golds in a day. Maybe this cumbrian weather has numbed me lol


do this for a full season, every day, then tell me you love recoil, dont forget there are people who shoot more than 5 times a week on game and it really counts, it adds up.

i prefer to go up a shotsize than load and speed, going from #6 at 1600fps and a #4 at 1000fps, and realising at 40 yards and beyond, the #4 has more shot in the pattern and silly 70% more energy for less recoil !


i shoot low recoil ammo, i shoot fast ammo. on game slow big shot works wonders !

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