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Nice day on the corvids with swiss


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After getting a late pass from er indoors i loaded the car up and gave Tony a ring to go crow bashing, as his shooting bus was off the road we went in mine, after a quick look about we set up on some maize stubble that had crows on already, should have got there at first light but couldnt get Tonys idle carcass out of bed as he had drunk 3 pints on his birthday and was still suffering :D . made a fantastic hide with a roof and Set up with 10 full body decoys and straight away birds came in and Tony did the shot of the day with his first shot, polaxed a good 80 yard crow, think it was a fluke :whistling: but anyway it went on the flapper and we had a very good few hours with birds decoying like gliders coming in, must have got something right, both did some great shots and also missed a few sitters but thats how it goes, it tailed of about 2 ish so called it a day, finished with 4 differant corvids shot, Rooks, Crows, Jackdaws and a Magpie, 56 in total, all in all had a great day but then again we were due one as not done much the last few times weve been out, cheers fella :good:


posted a video of the flapper in action, also a picture of the bag




Edited by Tod
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