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first doe,s of the season


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had a phone call from a keeper friend this afternoon that i got some stalking off earlyer (2000 acres of grouse moor and some wood land )in the year asking if i could come over and sort some deer out that are destroying new tree they have planeted so went over this afternoon (not really the time of i like to shoot doe,s late december is more my time but it has to be done )with my daughter who has been at me to take her stalking .

we arrived at 2.30pm so we could have a look round and find a good spot which we soon found and settled down the weather was nice for a change (no rain ) we sat for about an hour at the first spot till a group of ramblers walked out at the bottom of the wood we were watching :angry: so i decided to have a look at the wood we had passed on the way in which involved a walk of about a mile up hill in thick heather :no: emma found this and education and swears she will never go beating on a grouse moor :D anyway we got to the wood and and settled at the top of the wood which offers a cracking view of the surronding area we had been sitting for about 15 mins letting emma recover when she says dad is that deer over on the edge of that next wood i hadnt even seen them :yp: so a quick check and we could see one doe up on the heather above the next wood time to move whitch emma was not overly keen on :whistling: we had a short walk back to the car and down the hill and along to the bottom of the next wood whitch was about half a mile away we parked at the side of the road and made our way up the dyke wall to the bottom of the wood the doe was still 350 yards up the hill above the wood feeding and none the wiser for our presance as we made our way up the wood a second doe stood up in the long grass out to our left bit still 200 yards up in front of us as we stalked in she was side on with her head faceing us but didnt seem to be bothered by us atall we got into about 100 yards and i settled down on the dipod all i could see was her head and neck the rest of her was hiddin by the grass so a head of neck shot it would be i waited for about 5 min for her to settle down and then she gave me a nice back of the head shot as she watched the doe above her on the heather i squeezed the trigger and nice thump retuned and she was down nice and clean the other doe was on high alert now and franticlly trying to see where the noise had come from she was about 170 yards up the hill now and for some reason turned and headed straight down the hill towards us she stopped at roughly 150yards and turned broad side another thump confirmed she was grassed too on inspecting the first doe i found she was blind in one eye whitch would explain why she didnt seem worried about us as we stalked into her . i was very impressed with emma who was very keen to help with the graloch and she even dragged one back down the hill the first doe was 34 lb on the hook and the second was 29lb not to bad for hill roe



this is the first spot where the rammblers came out at the wood below us


the grass park at the bottom was where we started the stalk and the photo was taken where the last doe was shot


Edited by cocker3
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thanks buddy yeh i was prity lucky to get the stalking and very greatfull to him for giving it to me there is a large block of wood land on the estate next door and they have a no shooting policy so no shortage of deer i am also prity sure i seen two sika yesterday but only got a glimps of them as they ran into a wood but the keeper said he seen a big sika stag not far from where i seen these beasts only three days before so they may get a visit very soon !!

atb andy

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sika as well :drool: :drool: do you want to adopt a 28 yo hansom lad im house trained

:lol: :lol: EH nooooo thanks that would mean atleast one of us would be house trained and that would just not do :lol: :lol:


Well done mate glad to see you back out again :good:

thanks mark good to be back out :good: :good:
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Good going fella and a bonus if theres a Sika or twa cutting aboot.Nice to see the lassie keeping your right.

ta gaji yeh hope to cross paths with the sika soon but with 5 keepers on there a will have to be lucky very lucky as for the lassie for her first time out she did great maybe to great she wants to go again :oops:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Weel done Andy, good to see the young lass taking an interest :good: - that is our future after all - even though she was knackered I bet if you asked her again she would go strong>ression.gif

cheers tam yer your spot on and yes the lass wants to go all the time now which i dont mind its nice to spend some time together next stepis to let her pop away at some targets :good: :good:
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looks grand!! i used to do some beating on the moor there, some serious views. good shooting

thanks buddy when was it you were beating there whe dean was boss or peter? :good: :good:

looks a top place there pal, very nice shoot, well done good shooting as well...

thanks buddy :good: :good:

Good work - looks like the Pentlands up at Turnhouse area??

thanks buddy no it was down near heriot :good:
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mainly dean before he left, keepers were dale,gary, nial, damian,peter and stevie. i went for about 5 years and never missed a day at th grouse. they always had plenty bods for pheasant!!

yeh know dean really well off up to skibo to see him in a few weeks for 5 days gary it a great lad and the one who gave me the stalking peter and stavie are still there too yeh they have a lot of bodys on the grouse done a few days for gary this season so far on the grouse i think they are really toiling for beaters at the pheasants at the moment tho
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