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17hmr vs 222/223


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I've got a slot for a 17hmr on my ticket, I was speaking to a farmer friend this morning and he said to forget the 17 and get either a 222 or 223, I've already got a 22lr. Would the centrefire be a better choice for long range rabbit but predominately fox. The 22 lr is good up to 80-90 then I could use the centrefire. He was saying the 17 is sooooo bad in the wind, and as most of my shooting is mostly on moorland farmland it's fairly breezy! What would you say? What's the ammo costs of the centrefires in question? Thanks for your help!

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My advice would be to get both! The hmr is a great little round. Ideal for bunnies, in fact I hardly take the .22 out now because the hmr does everything I need. It's flat shooting so range estimation (difficult under the lamp) isn't as crucial as the 22 and your almost doubling the range over the .22. I have a .223 aswell, great round and ideal for foxes on the type of ground you describe. As for cost, I think the hmr costs around 20-25p per round and the .223 anywhere from £10 per box of twenty up to £30ish. I'm told its alot cheaper if you reload but that's not something I've ever done. The .233 is too expensive for just shooting bunnies but great for fox.

Hope this helps,

Regards Phil

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Thank you. Most of the foxes will be around 20o yards or closer. I don't want to spend a bomb just a decent tool that I will be able kill foxes and shoot long range rabbits and crows, how bad is bad when it comes to the 17 in the wind? I want to be able to lay up and shoot crows at 140-150 yards without having to take out a mortgage but then Be able to take foxes and 150-200 yards? Thanks guys

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The hmr would be suitable for the crows but should be limited to around 100yrds on foxes in my opinion. You may not even get the hmr conditioned for shooting foxes, it depends which police force your with. I'm lucky because in west Mercia they are allowed for fox. I think if I were you I'd go for the .223, and keep using your .22 for rabbits.

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I have .17hmr and a .222 I would say get whatever you can. They all have there uses. Apply for both but if i had to choose one it would be the .222/223. My .222 is a class round very flat shooting out to about 250ish and just a mildot or so out to 300.

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In my opinion the 17 hmr is not a very good fox round. And shouldn't be used over 100 yards. Not if you want a guaranteed clean kill everytime.

As i say, just my opinion... It's a great round for rabbits and corvids out to 150+ yards. And fits nicely between the .22lr and .223/.222 centre fire.

The .223 is a good fox round, and an excellent long range rabbit or corvid round. (Not as good as the .204 but i'm bias! :P ) Abit expensive for rabbiting? Maybe. However they are a very popular round, so every dealer will have quite a few, so prices are very reasonable for guns and ammo.

The 17hmr cost 20 pence a shot. I cant see you getting a .223 round less than 60 pence a round, but i don't buy them so may be wrong??

My .204 was costing me between £1 to £1.60 per round. (Expensive calibre) I now reload so the price has dropped to approx below 50 pence a shot. You obviously have the initial outlay for the equipment though.

I personally think every cabinet should have a .22lr, a .17hmr, and some type of centrefire for foxing.

Although i'm sure lots would disagree!! :lol:

Edited by jam1e
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Wanting to shoot foxes over 100 yards away is definately a job for a centrefire. I wouldn't trust a HMR at 100 yards let alone 200. At that distance you're looking at the limit for the .22 Hornet and that's got three times the power of the little .17.


.223 would be my choice, or a .22 Hornet if you're interested in reloading. I used to load .22 Hornet for the same cost as HMR ammo but that only works if you're not getting through hundreds of rounds. When you start shooting a lot the reloading becomes a bit of a chore. Home loading the .223 doesn't cost a lot more and it gives far more gun for your money. Too much for bunnies really but if you want that sort of range on bigger stuff then the rimfire just isn't an option.


I'd forget the HMR and buy a .223 or Hornet. Ammo may cost more but you'll have to let off a lot of rounds before it costs you more than a seperate .17 setup to go with it.

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A .223 is the rifle for foxes/mutjac,but i wouldnt be shooting rabbits as it makes a bit of a mess.

I could be tempted to sell mine with mod and mag for right money as i dont use it alot,mostly go rabbit shooting with the .22.


Its a cz 527 with a pes mod,takes foxes/munty at 200 yrds no problem.

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I have a .22lr, HMR and a .222. The triple is a superb long range rabbit tool and general foxing gun. It all comes down to how many rabbits you plan to shoot with it because it does get expensive. I can head shoot rabbits all day long at 200+ yds, BUT, the only factory ammo that's tight enough for that is Federal Vshok 40grn. At Sportsman - which admittedly aren't the cheapest - they're £26 a box. There is certainly cheaper ammo around, more so for .223, but it doesn't mean your rifle will like them unless you know its history. Different if you reload.

I would say buy the .222/.223. I wouldn't worry which if you're buying second hand, just hold out for the right rifle. But think of it as a rabbit/crow rifle for particular locations where you can't get close, when it is invaluable, and first and foremost a fox rifle. If your ground is very windy you would be better off with a Hornet, but you really need to reload to get the best out of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

r long range rabbit but predominately fox.


Most of the foxes will be around 200 yards or closer.


this is NOT hornet territory IMO


I just picked up a .BRNO 222 for £70.battered and beaten in the shop, covered in sticky dried on grease, bore looked shocking, with clumps of copper/crud

damn good clean sorted that out, few marks on the bore after a clean, stripped and tarted it up, got it screw cut, box of 50gr Vmax and some free federal brass


it is now shooting a sub MOA groups off sticks with a £40 nikko 8x50 on it


I havent taken my HMR out for months. any rabbit specific trips involve the .22lr

the .222 is devastating on foxes, quieter than the HMR with the PES and not much more expensive to run


and because .223's are more "trendy" you can pick them up for pennies!!

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