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Spam overload


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I am currently getting anything up to 40 spam emails a day , its doing my nut.

I go through them all and unsubscribe , some I have blocked the email address , but I still get them .

Is there anything else I can do to stop it ??

I even get about 4 emails from the same company offering me cheap viagra every day , I would have a boner until I am 100 if i took them up !!

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I am currently getting anything up to 40 spam emails a day , its doing my nut.

I go through them all and unsubscribe , some I have blocked the email address , but I still get them .

Is there anything else I can do to stop it ??

I even get about 4 emails from the same company offering me cheap viagra every day , I would have a boner until I am 100 if i took them up !!

how cheap, i am only 70. :lol:
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I am currently getting anything up to 40 spam emails a day , its doing my nut.

I go through them all and unsubscribe


Thats part of your problem, by clicking the unsubscibe button they then know your email is genuine and in use and pass it around more so you end up with more spam. Best way is just continue to add them to the blocked list.

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Thats part of your problem, by clicking the unsubscibe button they then know your email is genuine and in use and pass it around more so you end up with more spam. Best way is just continue to add them to the blocked list.

Its making no difference , if I add them to the blocked list they are still getting through !


http://www.mailwashe...asher.net/ ,or if you don't mind paying for a few extra features , http://www.firetrust...er-pro/download


Thanks Cranfield , will give it a try.

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are you adding the entire email address as some use the same domain but change the first part of their address. They also like changing just the country part of the domain. I now tend to add the common country spam domains ie spammer @spam.com, becomes blocked as @spam.com, @spam.ru, @spam.ca, @spam.pl


yes been adding the entire email address.

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One shore fire way to stop it for a time would be to change your email address and only tell people who need to no the new one just a thought.


Unfortunately this does not always work unless you create a really obscure address as the bots randomly create names and variations in the response that some will be genuine email addresses, which is why its best not to respond or use the unsubscribe button. Others create spam only email accounts to bait and reply to spammers / scammers knowing they will never use that particuler email for anything else.

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I didn't really get much spam until I used Go flaming compare!

Instantly after looking for car insurance quotes I got the first load of Spam. I'm getting on average 20/30 PPi emails and around 5 or so PPi text messages a day now....GRRRRRR!!!

Same here ... even though I made absolutely certain to tell them that no, I didn't want marketing messages of them or anyone else.

The first EVER spam phone call (to our ex-directory home line) came through about 5 minutes after I had finished putting in our details.

Their response : coincidence

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