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Aya differance between models?


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WelshLamb is correct in his thinking. The No; 3 and the Matador as a general rule of thumb have 70mm (2 3/4in. chambers) and the No: 3 is usually found with an English type splinter fore-end. However, like many guns in the AYA range there are variants. The Matador was generally earmarked for the European and US customer and can be found with single or double triggers and `Beavetail` type fore-end and a pistol grip type stock. Because of the love affair in the US of loading the biggest shot charge they could cram through a 12 bore both the No: 3 and Matador can be found with 3in chambers. The Super Solway was a marketing name originating in the UK; for what was the No: 3 Magnum. These had 3in chambers and usually double triggers and a Beavertail style fore-end they weighed in at about 8lb plus with full & full choke in both barrels.


If your after a dedicated wildfowling tool, either will fit the bill. But be aware they all pre-date the intro of the dreaded steel shot; so wont be proofed for the High Performance steel loads unless someone has taken the trouble to have it re-proofed.

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WelshLamb is correct in his thinking. The No; 3 and the Matador as a general rule of thumb have 70mm (2 3/4in. chambers) and the No: 3 is usually found with an English type splinter fore-end. However, like many guns in the AYA range there are variants. The Matador was generally earmarked for the European and US customer and can be found with single or double triggers and `Beavetail` type fore-end and a pistol grip type stock. Because of the love affair in the US of loading the biggest shot charge they could cram through a 12 bore both the No: 3 and Matador can be found with 3in chambers. The Super Solway was a marketing name originating in the UK; for what was the No: 3 Magnum. These had 3in chambers and usually double triggers and a Beavertail style fore-end they weighed in at about 8lb plus with full & full choke in both barrels.


If your after a dedicated wildfowling tool, either will fit the bill. But be aware they all pre-date the intro of the dreaded steel shot; so wont be proofed for the High Performance steel loads unless someone has taken the trouble to have it re-proofed.

I had noticed most of the no 3's were 2 3/4 chambered, but have seen a few 3".

So is the supersolway the same as the 3" no 3 or is the supersolway a heavier barrel(I have noticed the supersolway's are all 32") but are they heavier in the way they are built.

If you had all 3 next to each other all 3" chambered, beavertail fore end and all double trigger(apart from the supersolway being 32") would they all be the same gun, same action and same weight, are they all proofed to 1200kg?

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JJsDad Welshlamb isn't a he but a member of the fairer sex, lol don't let the v8 Landy and being a truck driver who shoots and sports tattoos make you think man.


Some pics of her on here with her kit off.




what where :drool:


i,ve got a no 3 also 2 3/4 chamber 1/2 and 1/2 choke , nice light game gun :good:

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