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Considering the big "im packing in!"


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buy a new gun? the wife has just bought me a boat!! hahahah





im all good there. the farmers have turned people away, telling them they are very happy.



I had a good chat with magman earlier, and he told me to stop being a tart (in his nice way, he really cares haha).


Did you listern :hmm: love you sweetcheeks :innocent:

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ive pretty much stopped now, i get more satisfaction from helping a few lads with there shooting then i do killing animals anyway watching them shoot there first teal or knocking a high pigeon down, it gives you a warm feeling inside. ive still got everything gear wise tho. had my mate out earlier he had 30 pigeons in a couple of hours shot 140+ between him and another lad.

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I'm the same, it all seems too much trouble - too cold to go foxing, not worth rabbiting, keen to try a bit of roost shooting but have to wait till the end of season.

You, like me, need a mate to contribute half the effort of enthusiasm.

Its true though,the reasons to be out all night, all weathers after anything, seem weaker these days.


Unless you have a friend and enjoy their company and begin to share their enthusiasm.


I agree here...get a shooting buddy!

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Kinda know the feeling MM,been going off the palaver of lamping the past couple of years.I love spending a summer's evening out and about but the thought of dragging myself out for a wander in the dark...well i can't be bothered.Still like a go at the doo's or crows and trying to get more into my gallery rifle shooting.

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I,ve had to stop shooting as I,m getting on , after over 60 years of really enjoying the sport.

As of that I,m as miserable and unhappy as hell , left with happy memories .

I refuse to sell my guns or my gear, and find myself quite often cleaning my guns although there is no need for it , or just getting them out just to look at them. My advise to you , DONT give it up if you ever enjoyed shooting , you are probably going through a face , it will go , and if by that time you ,ve given it all up , you,ll certainly regret it.!!

So Don't Do It.



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