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Gunsmiths receipt


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Well yesterday I dropped my pride and joy off at the gun smiths and thought nothing of it until today when I realised I have no proof of me leaving it there as i didnt get a receipt, so what should I do? does it matter that I don't have one?

Edited by Olliesims
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Guest cookoff013

i`d get a reciept,

i had to sue a RFD for my stuff back.


found out from an employee, that they threw my gun bits in the bin.


it almost ended up court, even though they tried to refuse to pay repair bill. after they aranged the repair.


i would have had to claim for the whole gun. which is extremely expensive.

a small piece of metal, flat spring steel cost them in excess of £1000

solicitor was fantastic.

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Did he take the details off your SGC??

Did he write it down??


It would be more normal for it to be entered in a repair book rather than the register as it has not been transferred from you to the RFD.


I would have expected a receipt.


Yes did both and wrote it down in his book

Edited by Olliesims
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