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Grrrr bloomin school


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(apologies in advance just venting my frustrations)


About a week ago my son comes home without his PE kit, asks him "where's your pe kit?" Ohh I've left it in M20 (his last lesson of the day) he replies


Next morning he's sent to school with express instructions to go to M20 and get his PE Kit, guess what, It's not there :mad:

He's been to lost property every day, the bags got his name in it, the kits has his name on every piece but it's not turned up.


Been up the school this afternoon to collect him as the bus broke down, Asked about what can be done to find where his kit has vanished to overnight ???

And why the **** don't they leave things alone so they can be found where they'd been left ??? "Ohh well the cleaners move things" ( I think that's the point at which it becomes LOST (along with all hope)

Well, why the hell don't you tell them to leave stuff where it is SO it can be retrieved, So can we ask the cleaners "Where is my sons property ???"

"Ohh they probably wont know" ??? "they should put it in Lost property"


"Clearly they don't as it hasn't made it to lost property in the past week"

Edited by TaxiDriver
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Was it ever any different to when you where at school? Frankly in my day if anyone was stupid enough to leave a full PE kit in the changing rooms had a fair chance that is would be rummaged threw and then thrown over a hedge by other kids.


The Miss has lots of funny stories about parents moaning that their kids £400 iphones have gotten damaged/gone missing (etc). It makes you wonder.

Edited by Bleeh
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Thats a shame seeing as he went to get it the next morning, usually here where i work at a secondary school the kids and parents cant be bothered to come and retrieve the lost items and usually the locked lost property cupboard is rammed full, the kids can check it with the receptionist everyday after 3pm, then we put it all out in the hall the last school day of every month and a letter and email goes to the parents telling them this,

That night it all gets binned but you can bet your life some parent will come in the next day or two later asking were his kids property is, its these ones i take great pleasure in telling its been binned as they have had the whole month to come and get it back.

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At his school, they don't have lockers, theyre expected to lug everything around for the whole day.

As for kids rummaging through it and shoving it over the hedge, The schools I went to, there wasn't any pupils in overnight as they went home,

similarly, theyre not allowed in classrooms until the bell goes

Was it ever any different to when you where at school? Frankly in my day if anyone was stupid enough to leave a full PE kit in the changing rooms had a fair chance that is would be rummaged threw and then thrown over a hedge by other kids.


The Miss has lots of funny stories about parents moaning that their kids £400 iphones have gotten damaged/gone missing (etc). It makes you wonder.

Us teachers do it on purpose. It's how I paid for my car. I scour classrooms for it; the muddier and smellier it is, the better the price on the open market...

Thats a shame seeing as he went to get it the next morning, usually here where i work at a secondary school the kids and parents cant be bothered to come and retrieve the lost items and usually the locked lost property cupboard is rammed full, the kids can check it with the receptionist everyday after 3pm, then we put it all out in the hall the last school day of every month and a letter and email goes to the parents telling them this,

That night it all gets binned but you can bet your life some parent will come in the next day or two later asking were his kids property is, its these ones i take great pleasure in telling its been binned as they have had the whole month to come and get it back.

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Us teachers do it on purpose. It's how I paid for my car. I scour classrooms for it; the muddier and smellier it is, the better the price on the open market...

I think its probably more a case of bloody minded awkwardness.


at my sons school most of the teachers are to big to wear school kit :P

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There are times I think that my school is populated by Borrowers. It amazes me how often something "definitely" left somewhere turns up somewhere else...


You would be amazed too at the quantity of valuable items that pile up in Lost Property - best was a laptop that went unclaimed for half a term despite announcements asking the owner to form a queue outside my office. The machine was locked down so we could not access files and un-named. He eventually turned up and was baffled by all the fuss.



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We never had lockers when I was at school. There was absolutely no where secure to leave anything but for locked classrooms at lunch time. I tell you, it was hell if you were an Art or Design student, even worse if you were both. We were expected to carry around a bag of books, lunch, sketch books, folders and God knows what else all day without losing or damaging any of it. More could have been done for the students but the staff never seemed to pick up on it.

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My school every student had a locker must have been ordered by a lesbian English teacher with a passion for poetry as the internals were 50 cm cube just big enough for the largest books (geography atlas) but you couldn't get a sports kit in it particularly not anything useful or valuable (cricket, hockey, tennis etc) a musical instrument bigger than a piccolo or a DT folder/sketch pad all of which we had to bring in sometimes all at once!!! The cello playing cricketers probably had it the worst..........

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Alot of modern schools don't have lockers and the ones that do make you pay a deposit to have one. Well the schools on my area did. I lost a coat on time and it turned up about two weeks later smelling of fag smoke and the zip broken, so someone has worn it, broke it and dumped it in the changing rooms.

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