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Wet Wet Wet


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After spending most of yesterday afternoon dressing the two geese from Tuesday for the farmers each side of me, wifey decided that she would like one to go with the turkey on christmas day.

This morning was the only free morning I would have between now and then so.......


The alarm went off at 6.55am and was in the field and set up by 7.30, which again was way to early!

I sat in the ******* rain til nearly 9 o'clock before the action started. First skein to come in was about 30 birds, wings curled paddles down! Missed first shot connected second and missed third!

It wasn't long before there were two healthy looking groups coming in, honk honk honk on the call a few clucks followed by some low end growls and they were committing. The noise was awesome!

This time instead of trying to shoot kneeling I stood up. First shot connected but the bird wasnt coming down so gave it the second which brought it down. The third shot was probably a good 40 yards, bird dead in the air :-D.


So a much better morning shooting wise but got a good soaking for my efforts!




Thanks for looking



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