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Shot gun for pigeon


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Hi all. Just after some ideas for a hide gun. I have sbs 12 as rough gun and its deffently rough ;) post office special I think was the most recent comment.

Anyway it's great for walking about but not much cop for sitting in the hide poping shots off all day.

I won't have a fortune on my hands it will be something I will be working towards.

Not bothered about a hatsan I have had one and it shot about a foot too low.

So what would people recommend ?


Thanks Karl.

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depends how much you want to spend Karl, if about 250 - 400 quid look for a nice beretta 303 or remington 1100, if not an auto id look for a decent Lanber, if you need any help when your buying one let me know fella as im always on the gun sale forums, in fact a friend has a nice Miroku 26" hes always talking about selling, sure i could get it for a good price.

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why cant the rough gun be used?

surely you shoot well with it,is it because its not quick enough to reload if birds are coming in thick and fast?


Hi pal, I do use it at the min but after 30 shots my shoulder is falling off.

It's so light no but pad and 30 inch barrels don't really place it for hide shooting.

Shame really cos I like it.

As tod has said I think it will be a semi but as I didn't get on with the hatsan it will have to be of a different make.

Again it's a shame as for around 160 you can get an escort in good nic.

All the best Karl.

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As for a Hide Gun!


Plenty of O/U's popping up in the sales section as cheap as £100. For the hide it don't need to win a beauty pageant! As long as its in proof and tight on it's face it will be fine. The Baikal O/U would be a good bet!


I have just gave away one of my O/U's to a lad starting out. It was rough but he is over the moon. Just got myself a nice new one for a song!


Just keep yer eyes peeled they are always popping up.

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All sorts mentioned here but plenty of used Semis on the market.


Many still use o/u or SBS for pigeon but I rate semis.


I am siding towards a semi again but on Todd advice I think I will hang fire (he he sorry ) for a bit and get my max spends up a bit to offer me more choice of gun.


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Congrats Matey :good:


Hope Mum n Baby are both well. :good:


Thanks mate :good:

They are doing well, we are just waiting for the nod then we can get out of the hospital :)

I am sure doncaster hospital is run by the love child of the third reich and the chuckle brothers :/

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Hi pal. We have her early :) she was born this morning at 4 am in @ 5.9 lb so tiny :) but beautiful a reall blessing and early present for us all :)

Congratulations on the little one Karl, enjoy all those sleepless nights fella :yahoo: , if you have set your heart on a semi keep a look out for a good remi 1100, they have stood the test of time and a really good strong gun, you should pick one up for the money you have, swillington did have a couple some time ago going cheap, just make sure your looking straight down the rib when mounted, dont worry if its too long as you can always take some off the length.

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