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Just my luck :(

Lord Geordie

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Well what a Fab start to 2013!


Woke this morning dry mouthed having missed the new year celebrations because I was down again on NYD rota.


Felt really hot but my skin is really cold. After 15 mins I started to show the dreaded symptoms of the winter vomiting bug :no:


Great if you want a crash diet as this years is worse than the last one I had apparently. The last one I had was strange as instead of.being sick just the once, I had to make 8 trips to the bathroom and call for my 2 friends, Ralph and Hughey!


This time I am in chronic pain in my abdomen aching joints hot temp and firing from both ends :(


I am supposed to have my first pheasant shoot in some 7 years on Saturday too! Apparently this bug lasts DAYS :no:


Plenty water and let it take its course.

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Kaolin and Morphine works for me and can be bought from the chemist


Just reading the possible side effects! Nausea, Vomiting, dry mouth etc etc. Sounds more like the cause than the cure :lol:


I generally allow nature to take it's course and not depend on drugs it if I can help it!


Thanks for the thought :good:

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I had it and was bad for 6 hours and got better from there on, didn't eat for 24 hours and basically you aren't contagious 48 hours after your last "incident" its pretty unpleasant but you might just be ok for Saturday. Keep trying to drink water and go from there

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Well I feel a bit better this morning! Still got the squirt's but the sickness part has passed by the look of it. Fever seems to have passed too. Just stick to drinking plenty of liquids and leave it a few days before I try eating. Last bug I had saw me go near 10 days without food. Great way to lose weight these vomiting bugs, but not nice :no:



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