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Sha Bu Le

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Friend sent me this........had to share it with you.






This is the Norwegian Royal Guard Regiment (equivalent to the British and Canadian Guards regiments). These guys give the USMC Band and Honor Guard and the Army's 1 BN 3d Infantry (The Old Guard) a run for their money. It is interesting how a cheesy Hollywood theme (from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly") can sound impressive when played by an elite military bandis


"River Dance" with boots and rifles! I can't remember ever seeing a display of precision to beat this!






All of this is being performed on ICE!






Those are US made Garand M-1 rifles (WWII), and they are heavy weapons (9 POUNDS EACH). also,known for its balance!!


When that one fellow goes on his own - YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A RIFLE SPUN THAT FAST!




Edited by Sha Bu Le
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I have seen a similar thing with either the Americans or the Canadians, I for get which. The fact that this routine was done on ice made it even more eimpressive! That was a real treat to watch such precision, timing and balance, a real pleasure to watch :good: .

With the winter that I believe that we are going to have maybe PW members could get together and try something like that! :no: :no: :no: Maybe not! :blush:

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