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Mole trapper needed


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Hi all, is there anyone who is pretty good at catching moles?? Our garden is a totall mess with the little ******* making hill all over. I've got traps but no idea how to use them, I've been told how to do it but I think it would be best if someone who knew what they were doing came and had a go. In exchange for someone trapping my moles I can supply beer and a day or 2 on a farm with air rifles.



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if your land is on higher ground the wet conditions are to blame, all the mole holes on lower ground are flooded out due to the high water table, Our mole problem looks worse than it is because all the moles have "run" from the sets at the foot of the hill in our field and all the rune and subsequent mounds are within a very small space, i recently was shown and its dead easy to do, you just have to be persistant. Would give you a hand but your too far away.

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Get a stick and poke about near the mole hill, you'll feel where the run is, then carefully dig a bit up and place the trap in the run before covering up with soil. Dont use bare hands (i reckon they can smell it) an put a stick nearby to remind you where the trap is.

I found that the scissor traps didnt work as well as the ones with two loops of wire going across. its surprisingly easy to catch moles when you get the hang of it. Caught loads at my parents place.

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Thanks for all the replys chaps, I think I'll give it a bash this weekend... If I have no luck in the next week or so I'll be in touch "gyp". A keeper friend of mine said he would have a go for me but he hasn't managed to get over yet.


I'll let you know how I get on!!

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