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Mad Hunter,

I assume you mean inland decoying. You have until 20th Feb to do wildfowling on the fore shores (as some die hards would say real wildfowling) I do both so I fall into both camps.

I have / will miss the last 2 weeks of inland decoying and rough shooting (phesant) because I work offshore but I will be out as often as I can up untill the 20th.


Good luck on your quest.



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Madhunter - I'm not trying to start an arguement here mate, but perhaps you should have another think about HOW to go about asking to be taken on, or looking for a fowling experience...


I was going to offer to take you out, but then I saw your post in the wanted section which read something along the lines of 'I NEED to shoot some geese/ducks' and tbh, it put me right off offering.

Edited by Wildfowler12
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Mad hunter your name keeps popping up asking for shooting, yet you offer nothing. you say your available 7 days a week and you NEED to shoot some geese/duck personally I feel you have the wrong attitude. I have also been made aware by a PW member who took you out that you keep hassling & hassling to go again.

I think who ever takes you on a flight is a mad hunter.

Good luck.

Edited by .philmypower.
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Mad hunter your name keeps popping up asking for shooting, yet you offer nothing. you say your available 7 days a week and you NEED to shoot some geese/duck personally I feel you have the wrong attitude. I have also been made aware by a PW member who took you out that you keep hassling & hassling to go again.

I think who ever takes you on a flight is a mad hunter.

Good luck.


I take it that your not volunteering then? Not even a short flight? :hmm::whistling: :whistling:

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 01:50 AM

im mad cuz i like to go hunting 3-4 times a week, thats all, hahahaha, but hey, who doesnt, i had a chap contact me off this website, he was down in ipswich, lovely grounds, with a sea view, went down, shot 30 odd pigeons, in a couple hours, end of the day he seemed pleasant and happy, even said next time you come, just text me a day before, to let me know your coming, next day i get a greasy text on how his brother was ****** off about him allowing someone else to shoot, some rollocks like that,


i was well gutted, beautiful grounds, i would have gone there 3-4 times a week,


i think he was shocked that i drove 160 miles, but like i said, im mad i dont care, its a day out


im going in the garden, going to setup my magnet and unload a few shots at it, settle my pigeon fix




:whistling: :whistling: :whistling:

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so the seasons coming to an end, does anyone know where i can shoot a couple flights in the next couple days, theres 2 of us, will drive anywhere


thanks all

If you are really keen you can come up to me :D


Just in case you are really keen, after reading the above posts I have just remembered that I am busy right up till midnight on thursday :whistling:

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I gave you the information on another thread and you were rude to myself and other members! Quite frankly you don't deserve to be taken out for a flight!


i wasnt rude to anyone, i was simply making a statement, that you didnt like, not my problem! get over it baby!!!


Mad hunter your name keeps popping up asking for shooting, yet you offer nothing. you say your available 7 days a week and you NEED to shoot some geese/duck personally I feel you have the wrong attitude. I have also been made aware by a PW member who took you out that you keep hassling & hassling to go again.

I think who ever takes you on a flight is a mad hunter.

Good luck.


full of **** im afraid, i have not hassled anyone, i have 50 numbers in my phone for people who offer pigeon days ready to take money ive only been pigeon shooting with 3 guys off this website, one is ####, where there were no pigeons, and we shot 4, the other is scraptofthillfarm and finally elby, you are weclome to ask any of them, so i dont appreciate talking lies about me, which is basically what your doing so if your a man, lets talk names? ????


magman? the point in re-posting my post is for? ?????


man, one thing i've notice on this website is that all the pigeon folk are very friendly, and helpful, but as soon as anyone gets in to wildfowl territory you get a bunch of illiterate ******* bullying and trying to attack you, i think its bad for this website, and bad for the sport in general, i'm surprised the admin let people get away with it,


Just in case you are really keen, after reading the above posts I have just remembered that I am busy right up till midnight on thursday :whistling:


funny thing is only inland wildfowling ends on thursday midnight, any wildfowler knows the shore season ends feb 20th


so the seasons coming to an end, does anyone know where i can shoot a couple flights in the next couple days, there's 2 of us, will drive anywhere


thanks all


strange that my post above attracted such malice! considering my post is so simple to comprehend, people seem to have too much time waiting for their job seekers to turn up, so they come on here and bully people in order to pass the time, SAD really, all i asked was if anyone offered wildfowling!!!!

Edited by madhunter
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Well those last couple of posts are gonna have fowlers tripping over themselves to take you out on the marsh lol. You really do seem to be your own worst enemy. As for us all being unhelpful I totally disagree.

Theres plenty of info on here and loads of threads where new and experienced fowlers have met up for a flight, I myself have met a forum member for a flight on a marsh I have never visited. I have shown 3 fowlers around a marsh very local to me that I no longer shoot.

I've pm'd members about marshes in Scotland and recieved loads of good info and sometimes offers of meeting up.

The difference between most and you is you never contribute to threads you just pop in stating is there anywhere for you to go shooting, your so vague, you make no effort to get to know members and we have no chance to get a rough idea of whether your a loon or not.

But as i've said, after you throwing all your dollies out of your pram when you had no offers make it quite clear that the only way you'll get fowling is by paying for a guide.

Oh and as for you dig at aister I believe there is no foreshore shooting on Shetland hence his statement.

Anyway must dash this illiterate dole bum is off for a flight, I would'nt want to be late, shame you cannot join me its a lovely little marsh. B)

Edited by Terry P
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funny thing is only inland wildfowling ends on thursday midnight, any wildfowler knows the shore season ends feb 20th


..... You obviously aren't a fowler then or the title to this thread would be abit different... And the opening few lines would be different.


Over the years I have been shooting I have always found fowlers to be the friendliest, but very protective of the land they shoot over, which i dont blame them when there is so many out there trying there damdest to take the land away from them.

Taking out mad hunters who just want to shoot something is not something any true fowler I know of would do as that is not what fowling is about.

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You want to shoot 7 days a week and will travel anywhere, you must have loads of time on hand and money, wish we all could be like that to follow our hobbys and past time.

If your that mad and have loads of money to burn, then contact the guides but as previously mentioned inshore shooting ends at the end of the month and I dont know of any guides that will take people out on the foreshore, usually by invitation to local club areas and by the sound of some of the posts you wont be getting many.

A more softer approach may have been better. As I live in the north of Scotland I have been approached by many PW wildfowlers usually via a PM about the shooting up here and I am more than happy to point them in the right direction and to meet up with them as it is a long way to travel and I have been assured by the guys that I have been in contact with and meet that If I ever travel down south to give them a PM and they will be glad to take me out on there local foreshore or marshlands.


As said good luck with your search

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Terry P is right, we have no foreshore shooting here in Shetland, unless we get some serious frost to force the birds to the sea.

Now, I am off out for a crack at some duck on a new piece of flood water, I have the next couple of days off for some shooting, told you I was busy ;)

Edited by aister
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i wasnt rude to anyone, i was simply making a statement, that you didnt like, not my problem! get over it baby!!!




full of **** im afraid, i have not hassled anyone, i have 50 numbers in my phone for people who offer pigeon days ready to take money ive only been pigeon shooting with 3 guys off this website, one is ####, where there were no pigeons, and we shot 4, the other is scraptofthillfarm and finally elby, you are weclome to ask any of them, so i dont appreciate talking lies about me, which is basically what your doing so if your a man, lets talk names? ????


magman? the point in re-posting my post is for? ?????


man, one thing i've notice on this website is that all the pigeon folk are very friendly, and helpful, but as soon as anyone gets in to wildfowl territory you get a bunch of illiterate ******* bullying and trying to attack you, i think its bad for this website, and bad for the sport in general, i'm surprised the admin let people get away with it,




funny thing is only inland wildfowling ends on thursday midnight, any wildfowler knows the shore season ends feb 20th




strange that my post above attracted such malice! considering my post is so simple to comprehend, people seem to have too much time waiting for their job seekers to turn up, so they come on here and bully people in order to pass the time, SAD really, all i asked was if anyone offered wildfowling!!!!


I've said it before and i'll say it again, you really havent got a clue what you are on about!


If you treated people and the sport with a little respect you'd find the the wildfowling section is one of the friendliest on the forum!


Take a look around and you'll see people being taken out for flights by other pw members and people just generally being friendly.


I hope no one takes you out on a marsh and quite frankly it sounds like you would be a disgrace to the sport! Have a little respect for people and the sport/quarry and you might get somewhere...

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Dear Madhunter,


I feel that you have been a little unfair to a lot of good people on here, I well know that withing the forum there is some difficult people to deal with and sometime myself too, thats passion for our sport for you.....but to say... "but as soon as anyone gets in to wildfowl territory you get a bunch of illiterate ******* bullying and trying to attack you, i think its bad for this website, and bad for the sport in general, i'm surprised the admin let people get away with it ", that is such an ignorant and rude statement.

I recently discovered the attraction...romance...beauty and passion in wildfowling, a couple of polite post and pms later, and I'm starting to get invites, help,advise and very good laughter with some really nice people from the forum...and yes...wildfowlers, I don't want to mention names...theres is to many.

Arrogance its a beast that sometime its not easy to tame....you failed at the start of the training brief.

The more you react, back answering, been rude and ignorant to wards members, the more you will lose some great help,advise and invites, sometimes we need to take a step back...think for five minutes and count to 30, before opening the mouth, and sometimes we have to man-up and apologize for our behaviour, like you in this case.



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