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barney 66

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Anyone know anything about this night vision,I guess some of you have had the email as I have about it being coming soon,dounds good ,small compact digital add on,just wondered if those more in the know have any idea on price or seen how good it is ?


Over the next few weeks I shall be looking at Nv hopefully with a few demos off local lads who are helpfull so could do with as much info as possible before I make a choice,

thanks barney

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  • 3 weeks later...

The "D" part of Ward-D-Vision is recognition to a chap who had something to do with the development of the unit. I believe he is a member of this forum but I'll leave it up to him to put anything forwards about it.

Edited by Dave-G
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I would be most gratefull if he could,I thought this was Clive Wards creation didnt know it was with someone else,The 2 write ive read seem good,very small,light and keeping tha same eye relief so a bit of footage eould be great,if its as good as it sounds I,ll be having one

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This Nv unit was supposed to be in production this week,also we on the waiting list were going to get an email about some footage we could see first,I know this is something I asked for before purchasing,everything about it sounded good and if it has something to do with Lardyvision which people say it does look like it will be decent.

The only downside to this unit is actually getting it or info on it,I presume were all in the same boat,emailed this week about footage and no reply,If we can,t get info on this what is the after sales going to be like ?

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Was interested in this & got pre-offer email:


"With this offer we will hold the original projected price from last year of £600 including VAT. Also as a member of the list you will receive a free 12V vehicle power / charge lead with your kit.


There is a catch. We need your help. When you pre-order can you please let us know the exact model of your scope and the diameter of your scopes eyepiece housing. Ignore the fast focus adjuster, Ward-D-Vision will fit over that and clamp just behind it onto the scopes eyepiece. This is best measured with a caliper. Then with your order you will be supplied with an exact size bushing to fit to your scope."


Since I use an add-on on different rifles with different scopes one size? Fair enough I suppose in as much as at present(GS 1x20) I wrap the smaller objectives with insulating tape & use only one bush but not ideal if I later wanted to sell it on. Timing launch close to start of summer time not a great incentive for me to panic buy either as there may be more choices available by autumn.

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I've heard that previous videos of this unit were filmed using lashings of top end infrared as well as top end video gear.

For me I wouldn't part with cash until I'd seen a video using everyday gear rather than bosch illuminators etc

Edited by weebster
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  • 1 month later...

Has anybody received there D Vision yet and tried it in the field ?


I emailed Clive again yesterday saying I would buy from elsewhere as I was waiting for some footage and to know when there ready, I received an email saying he checked and mine is being manufactured in the next couple of days and he will contact when ready for dispatch, trouble is I haven't ordered one and I said I wouldn't until I had seen decent footage,


Have you got yours yet and what do you think of it?


I am expecting very few replies to be honest as I doubt there is many received them, look forward to your replies,


Thanks barney

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i think clive he needs to look up the word "service". there only so much people can take beforethey go else were. there is lots of other people making nv, When i spend my hard earned cash on my hobby i like to know i can ring someone when i have a problem. Just my opinion. (not that it counts for much)

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i think clive he needs to look up the word "service". there only so much people can take beforethey go else were. there is lots of other people making nv, When i spend my hard earned cash on my hobby i like to know i can ring someone when i have a problem. Just my opinion. (not that it counts for much)

I know what your saying,thing is it looked like it was going to be a decent compact product,to be honest if somebody did a similar product I would have been interested,dont fancy the shooting position of the ns200 and the likes

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I've heard that previous videos of this unit were filmed using lashings of top end infrared as well as top end video gear.

For me I wouldn't part with cash until I'd seen a video using everyday gear rather than bosch illuminators etc

here you go bit of film with the X Searcher and of the WDV


think its speaks for its self


Do no a few lads have got them but you no clive he's slow to say the least

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