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why would we need a product to keep cartridges at 'optimum' temperature???


mine are kept inside my property at room temperature. as i should imagine most others are.


Im sure also many have them stored in outbuildings ie. farmers. on pallets. never does them any harm.


i was lead to believe as long as not stored on a cold floor freezing/ very hot temperatures there is nothing to worry about.


So why bother and why waste money buying your product.

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why would we need a product to keep cartridges at 'optimum' temperature???


mine are kept inside my property at room temperature. as i should imagine most others are.


Im sure also many have them stored in outbuildings ie. farmers. on pallets. never does them any harm.


i was lead to believe as long as not stored on a cold floor freezing/ very hot temperatures there is nothing to worry about.


So why bother and why waste money buying your product.


A little harsh !

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A little harsh !


Maybe yes. but the truth sometimes hurts. somebody needed to say it, could save him a lot of money and dissapointment.


i'm sure if there is a need for this product the cartridge manufacturers would have done it to death years ago.


i'll take it you'll be buying then?

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Maybe yes. but the truth sometimes hurts. somebody needed to say it, could save him a lot of money and dissapointment.


i'm sure if there is a need for this product the cartridge manufacturers would have done it to death years ago.


i'll take it you'll be buying then?


Very well said.


The huge problem with manufacturing things these days is that if you don't own the patent then the Chinese will eventually make it far cheaper and in far greater numbers. Sometimes even if you do own the patent! You put all the time and investment in and in a few years time when its selling well someone comes along and blows you out of the water.


I saw a shooting product a while ago which is being sold at an insane price and which probably costs pennies to make. It could be copied very easily and a Chinese factory could crank out thousands a day for a fraction of the price. Now, if it's a small market and remains that way, you will probably be ok with it because it won't be worth anyones time tooling up to make it. If everyone wants one then you are doomed, I would reckon.



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So what about for wild fowlers in the snow on the mud flats or the pigeon shooter out in the snow?


I should of made it more clear, this is for while your out shooting. Yes you can keep a box of cartridges in your pocket, but what about the other few boxes.


I have come across loads of articles about cold cartridges not burning efficiently and then thought about this solution.


I didn't ask for your opinion topshunt neither do I want it. I was asking what type of company I should pitch my idea to.



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So what about for wild fowlers in the snow on the mud flats or the pigeon shooter out in the snow?


I should of made it more clear, this is for while your out shooting. Yes you can keep a box of cartridges in your pocket, but what about the other few boxes.


I have come across loads of articles about cold cartridges not burning efficiently and then thought about this solution.


I didn't ask for your opinion topshunt neither do I want it. I was asking what type of company I should pitch my idea to.




ok sorry for that but just my opinion.

As for what company for you to pitch your idea to i suggest you patent it first. whats to stop somebody reading this and thinking i'm having that idea.


Just a suggestion for you though.


start a new thread pitching your idea stating what your product would roughly cost.

and have a poll so people can vote whether they would buy your product or not.


call it market research.

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Can I just say that I don't really care for making the money off this idea and just think its a good thing for people to have this product.


This product has already been made and works for batteries

If you don`t care about making money from your idea, tell the rest of us how to do it and we can make our own.

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The iterm already exists very similar to a welding rod oven start at about100 to 200 popular in canada etc but i dont think it affects the uk just not cold enough if you put them in a airing cuboard or somthing they will be good for a days decoying i just find they just bit dirtier in the cold

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I've got an amazing idea for a product to keep cartridges at the optimum temperature, I don't want to give too much away on here though. This has been tried and tested for batterys in cold conditions.


How ever, I don't have a clue what type of company to pitch my idea to! Any ideas?


If you have a fully functioning idea, make (or have made) a prototype that you can test at your own discretion. If you have a workable idea and a demonstrating piece, you may be able to get a free lance designer on board (place adverts in design publications) to further develop your product. When you have a refined and working design, preferably with several models, then you can start thinking about approaching a company.

Edited by cant hit rabbits 123
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Can I just say that I don't really care for making the money off this idea and just think its a good thing for people to have this product.


This product has already been made and works for batteries


You don't want to tell us what it is but you will tell us that its been made for batteries. So the keen among us will just look up the same product for batteries and then see what you are on about!

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Also so say about wildfowlers out in the snow. Well the gun is going to be very cold, you then go and put two/three cartridges in it which quickly cool down to the temperature of the gun.


So effectively you are in the same situation as before.



Fair one, didn't think of that




You don't want to tell us what it is but you will tell us that its been made for batteries. So the keen among us will just look up the same product for batteries and then see what you are on about!


You won't be able to find it on the web, I can't even find one and I know what it is

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