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drilled barley


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cheers for the replies lads,,last year it had been in about 3 weeks before i shot over it and their was plenty of birds then so just making sure i dont miss the sport, its very late going in this year as the ground has been too wet to drill

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suck it and see is the answer, but as a rule its a cpl or three days.

If possible I like to sit in my truck and see how many pigeons are flighting to the field and the direction they are coming from.

That way when I feel its worth shooting I know where to set up.

Have fun

Edited by Actionpigeons
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Shooting the land depends on how much seed is spilled and when the birds find the grain. I've know birds to be straight onto a field the same day it was drilled and also had times when it's took birds nearer a week.

The ideal scenario would be for the birds to find the field within a couple of days and for there to be enough grain on the field to sustain the pigeons for a few days. This would let the birds build in number and also become confident in using the field.

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As Motty says walking over a newly drilled field will not damage the seed and the shoots will not appear for a week or so at which time the pigeons will have little interest in the field. However driving over the field to get to your chosen position is a different matter.

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cheers for the replies lads,,last year it had been in about 3 weeks before i shot over it and their was plenty of birds then so just making sure i dont miss the sport, its very late going in this year as the ground has been too wet to drill

you have more or less answered the question yourself, just keep an eye on the field and when you see birds in any number on it, plan a day soon after
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