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Shots to Kills ratio


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Some great answers guys and some quite funny ones too!


The day I mentioned in the original post couldn't have gone anymore perfect really. Arrived at the field to see about 400-500 birds feeding on it so walked them off as I made my way to my chosen spot. Set up 12 shells and my hide and that was me! They started trickling back in dribs and drabs and not in one heap luckly, my pattern seemed perfect ( makes a change as normally scrambling ouit my hide tweeking it every half hour!) There was no wind when i set up and when a little breeze did rise my deeks were positioned perfectly for it. I was set up by 10am and it was a consistant flow of birds right up untill I ran out of carts at 2pm. Even as I was packing up the birds were still trying to dive bomb into the pattern. It was just one of those days that rarely seem to happen and I do consider myself lucky to have been in the right place at the right time. I did add my rotray to the pattern, which as you all know can sometimes work one way or the other but it really was a pigeon magnet that day!


The reason I started the post was that I was extremely happy with how I shot and just wanted to see how well I did compared to others. Believe me its not aloways the case but it was just one of those days where erything just sloted into place and with each bird I shot my confidence grew and where sometimes my shooting may have gotten a little irratic with frustration my shooting just got better and better with every shot and I walked away from one of the best days I have had on an absolute high. Seeing my field craft work as well as shooting well gave me a real buzz! :)

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had two birds for two shots but thats over 15 hours of shooting, my buddie has had about 8 shots for no birds and one of them he could of hit with the butt of his shotgun,,laughed my head off for ages, certainly worth going for,,he is trying to hard but its so funny to watch him getting frustrated,,things can only get better,as he said "i dont care its just being out that makes the day,,ahhhh never mind :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I find that if the birds are coming into the deeks steadily I shoot much better...less pressure and you know if you miss one they'll be others along. On the days when there's not much to shoot at I do much worse..being impatient, rushing shots, not leading enough etc. Saying that I think my best ratio is probably 4:1 but have only been pigeon shooting for a couple of years so hopefully it will improve

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When I'm out fishing or without the gun I hit every bird I point at !!!. When I shoot by reaction i.e. fast crossing bird I hit a good proportion when they float in from infront and I've been following them I miss especially if DB just mentions " don't miss this one".

Last year on the stubbles we had a challenge , one box of carts how many hits. We both had a straight twentyfive hits, this was because you could choose your shots.

I think I posted in the past I was called out to a section of downed barley which was about a ten yard circle which was then fifteen yards from an oak tree where I put the hide, I took 125 shells and shot 124 birds. It was not sporting as it was tin can shooting as they hovered over the hole.


All I would say is do not concern yourself over the ratio just be effective and enjoy the shooting

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My kills to shots ratio varies greatly according to weather , range and my personel comfort. Given a windless day with the pigeons comming into decoys giving close shots perhaps 75% on a good day , on the other given a strong wind I am very happy with 40%. The worst I ever shot was at down wind wigeon in a gale and driving rain. One bird for 25 shots. One the other hand over a number of flights I have shot 25 geese for 24 shots. I shoot a lot better the fewer clothes I wear. Summer decoying in a T shirt often produces a high kill ratio, winter decoying in a wind with 4 layers of clothes to keep warm usually produces a fairly low kill ratio. The position of my seat in the hide makes a lot of difference too. Good flat ground with a well balanced seat is good , a seat perched on a sloping bank often results in poor shooting.

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