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The Week end results

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Friday was a complete wash out for shooting so we decide to go fishing before the end of the season, It never stopped raining for the the six hours we were on the bank, the river Avon rose four inches while we were there. DB managed two good size chub, Golden sphericals had one bite which weighed eleven pounds fifteen ounces barbel which was a great end to the season. I'ts also silly hat season.


Saturday saw us heading out shooting even though it was raining, we had looked at three weather forcasts on the TV on Friday night and they all were different. The rain was intermittent but steady as we looked at our rape fields, no birds so we started looking for seeded fields. These all appeared to be waterlogged with no birds evident . We saw a few on clover but not many. We stopped to talk to one of our famers and he said that he had planted beans on Wednesday we should go and look at that. When we arrived it was devoid of birds like all the other fields but it had a few in the trees so we eat our sarnies and watched. The birds were ignoring the beans but dropping in on a seeded field behind but only going in on the Headlands and ignoring the main field so we drove down to have a closer look, as we got closer about eighty lifted off the field so we decided to give it a go. The centre of the field was totally waterlogged and the Headlands were drier.


We finished the day with fifty two pigeons and thirtysix crows and jackdaws so a total bag of eightyeight birds which was a good result under the conditions.









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