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Volunteers Wanted to Try Out Field Rrange

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To test out some targets all free apart from you will have to bring your own flask of tea.


By April I should have my Air Range setup. An out door air rifle range that will be open on Sundays through the summer.


This is what I hope to be able to offer.

A number of benches with a range out to 60 yards for zero only.

A spinning target area from 20 to 50 yards.

Running rabbits.

Vermin areas with rats, rabbits, rooks, pigeons ect. All cordless knock down. This will be split into 4 different areas with a mixture of distances from 20 to 50 yards and a total of 60 targets.

Vermin in the valley.

Vermin in the trees.

Vermin in gorse and grass.

Vermin on the hill.

Then if all goes to plan a long range targets from 40 to 80 yards.


When almost completed I wish to invite 8/10 volunteers for a free day to try the range out and then give me some honest feed back. Good and bad so I can fix any points that need addressing.


Anyone who wishes to help please PM me. The range will be near Melton in Leicestershire

Thank you Andrew.

This is the land to be used nice big rough valley basin


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As for F/T or HFT I have no idea what this is to be honest. I'm a hunter at heart and wish to set it out as a hunters course if that makes sence. Ive got back into air rifles since i bought my nephew one last year and have looked around for a place to shoot with him. Have found nothing that worked for me. So building my own.

There will be four benches to use for the zero range and 50 vermin targets and 20 spinners so far.

But a very nice guy of PW has offered his services and has shot F/T so I intend to pick his brains tomorrow.




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HFT is Hunter Field Target. Its very similar to Field target but with some differences. Shots can't be taken sitting. No range adjustments for scopes (must be hold over/under), no paralex adjustments to be made to scope for range finding. Tagets can be partially hidden. Basically it sounds like what you want to do.

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I see what the H is for (big slow) now.

But I haven really thought much about the competition side as I've never competed in air, rim or C/F rifles. Just shot for the pleasure and food.

So my idea was a purpose built range and course where it's free style. Sit, stand or lay but to shot a verity or vermin knock down targets spinners ect in as real situation as possible as many shooters including myself are intimidated by the whole competition set up and wish to have fun.

As I've been a member of a club or two in my time some guys always take it to serious and remove the enjoyment that's not what I'm looking to do.

But it is defently food for thought thank you for you input it all helps in my direction.


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Thats one reason I don't shoot FT much nowadays. I like to go have a bit of fun, miss a load of targets and have a craic, but some like to sit there weighing pellets and lubing up (pellets), but each to their own.



Forgot to say good luck with the venture, let us know when its up and running!

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