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Range find before shooting (Air Rifles only)

Salop Matt

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I never use a range finder ( don't own one ).


However if shooting from a static position will pace out my maximum range normally no more than 45 yds and then leave markers at 30 and 20 yds.

Am more than capable to range find by sight if on the move but when static for the sake of 30 40 seconds time it saves a possible error on range resulting in a miss or injurerd quarry.

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I don't. I never shoot beyond 50yds, so I just make sure I'm good at working out the range without one, then tidy it up with the parallax adjustment. I've always felt with range finders, it's one more thing to forget in the field, or break. I think if I had an FAC gun it might be different, but with a sub 12 gun i've never bothered with one

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never used one and never intended too thats where all the practice comes in,hours in the field etc,and on the range,plus sometimes you will only see a target for a split second so by the time you have your finder on the quarry its gone


the above is for an air rifle,, totally different story with a rimfire as the distances are greater, but a sub 12ftlb 35 to 40yrds at the max is all i would shoot and if you can,t judge that sort of distance by eye then you should not be shooting live quarry IMO

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Sorry forgot to say yes my air rifle hunting is mainly done with my FAC 30ftlb huntsman to 60/65yards !


sorry salop, if i was using one of those beauty,s then would probably use one at the further distances just to be sure, but i really think its a case of how confident at judging distances you are

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Am not that confident at judgeing distances Evo thats partly why am asking !

If folk are more sucessfull with range finding shots before they take them than i would expect then I may give it a go and push out to 75/80yards but 50/55 yards is my comfort zone at the moment !

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Am not that confident at judgeing distances Evo thats partly why am asking !

If folk are more sucessfull with range finding shots before they take them than i would expect then I may give it a go and push out to 75/80yards but 50/55 yards is my comfort zone at the moment !


I shoot fac air mate and I would not be with out mine.If you are going to be pushing the distance they are a must.I tend to range almost everything ( It's like a habit now ) It takes seconds to range something and I can't honestly remember missing a opportunity because of doing so.

Edited by swingit
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Am not that confident at judgeing distances Evo thats partly why am asking !

If folk are more sucessfull with range finding shots before they take them than i would expect then I may give it a go and push out to 75/80yards but 50/55 yards is my comfort zone at the moment !


if your not confident on range finding you can practise anywhere and you will improve.


what you can do is when your out and about (walking dog) pick an object in the distance guess the distance then pace it out.

the more you do it the better you will get, also if shooting along hedge row with fencing you can use the fence posts to help you get the distance.

ie. if fence posts are 5 yards apart and quarry is 7 posts along you can work it out from that.


another way that i saw in a shooting mag was to attatch a target to a radio controlled car, send it out at random distances range find it then take the shot with air rifle,

if your off target pace out the actual distance and learn from it.


good luck.

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if it looks to far away, its to far away and i move closer. Nothing to lose by stalking ten yards further in just in case. If the animal bolts then hey, it will be there tomorrow. The rabbits on my permission are super wary, even still ive managed to stalk in to a rabbit at 12 yards before it bolted, Field craft skill, patience, confidence, physical obsticals and practice make it possible. Havent been out yet since one outing at the start of the year, it will take four trips at least to build my skill level back up. looking forward to a break in this horrible weather. I practice religously with the airguns i hunt with even if im not shooting live quarry so generally i know my kit well.

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The general train of thought in this topic seems to be in agreeance that 45yds -50yds is about the sensible limit for a sub12ft/lbs rifle .

So as a little range finding guide for use in the field with a sub 12ft/lbs rifle ,set a target at exactly 45 yds now set the focus on your scope until it just loses crystal clarity at 45 yds,anything outside that range is probably too far for a sensible shot,not the most scientific method i grant you but it has served me well over the years.

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I have FAC air and a rimmy. I would say the majority of shots are pretty easy to range by eye but it is invaluable in my experience to have the backup of a range finder. Shots for me out to 50 yds are on zero but for more distant shots I always check with the rangefinder just to be sure.

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