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Need a 'punchy' clay cartridge


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Hi gents,


I don't shoot many clays, only enough for an evening out here or there. I just got a 3 1/2" semi for goose season and want to get my eye in for it on some consistent clays (probably skeet). The problem is that it isn't rated for 2 3/4" cartridges, though more than a few guys on the US forums have said it works fine with them. I tried to put a superfast 29g pigeon load through and it didn't cycle. I am hoping to find a high velocity, large gas volume cartridge that this gun might like. I don't think my local ground would like me putting a box of 48 gram BB through it on clays. Any suggestions?




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I bought some Diana cartridges about a year ago. Punchiest shells I have used in some time.

just tried those not long ago, they didnt seem to kick much and sound more of a pop than a bang!

worst dirtiest carts ive ever had, clays didnt even break the same either

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Record (Baikals) if you can still get them


Nasty cartridges with a huge kick



My old man used to buy those when I was a kid, was given my first shot of a 12 gauge using them when I was about twelve, nearly knocked me over lol. I remember the flashes of fire from the end of the barrels and also if you did happen to miss your intended target it would most likely die of smoke inhalation anyway.

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As you say you have the 3:1/2" ,punchy yes, but stick as close to the loads you will be using at quarry intended:

So clay shooting is really not the answer imo:

Get out on the pigeons with steel or whatever it will be as near as you can get, so speeds etc are close to what you will use, but, obviously a load a lot lighter: gives you confidence too for shooting steel Etc.. Have Fun mate:

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I have no problems with confidence shooting steel. I shot steel in the US all the time. Also no problem shooting geese or big loads. I used to shoot 2 oz loads through my O/U for turkeys and coyote, and lighter steel for geese and ducks. My main thing is seeing how the gun itself swings and how it shoots. Consistently flying clays are the only way to go for that.



Or just go and buy a cheap gun for clay shooting



I have other guns if I wanted a day on the clays. that's not an issue. It is just learning this new gun in a consistent place.




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