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"They'll cheat you yet, those Germans."


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When I read of the exploits of such men, in the service of Great Britain and the Empire/Commonwealth and FREEDOM, I always wonder what they must think of how GB turned out after all their deeds of derring do, to preserve a way of life, decency and honour, and how their heroics have been somewhat betrayed.


The GB of today is unrecognisable, and indeed the rot did set in after we abandoned the Commonwealth and sold ourselves to the Common Market which is now the EU, and the pollution which is "multi-culturalism".


I imagine NZ is somewhat nearer to the society that GB was in the '70's.

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Great man no question, but the constant abusing of Germans by generations that had nothing to do with any war with the Germans amazes me. There are many on here that are ex forces and we all had a great time in Germany with the locals and in the land...............shakes head.

Edited by Traztaz
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Great man no question, but the constant abusing of Germans by generations that had nothing to do with any war with the Germans amazes me. There are many on here that are ex forces and we all had a great time in Germany with the locals and in the land...............shakes head.


Can't see where any on this thread have abused the Germans. The quote is from the Hero, who knew a darn sight more about the Germans than anyone on here.

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wow! what a soldier... it don't amaze me what the older generations feel..they seen it, or had personal feelings towards the Germans and the japs...as hard as it is for us to understand..we still need to respect their feelings,

we can only ever feel what we go through... look what this generation now feels towards the middle east or just look at the falklands era

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The man earned the right to have his own opinions. He is beyond criticism. It required a different mind set to be prepared, as he was, to sacrifice everything for what you believe. These days we cannot imagine how he had to think so we should accept ......first sentence.

The bravest of the brave - for Valour

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Prophetic words indeed.


Another earlier VC winner & equally devoid of fear was this chap, there is an inscription on the wall of Thiepval Church although he survived WW1.

He fought in the Boer War, World War I, and World War II; was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip and ear; survived a plane crash, tunnelled out of a POW camp, and bit off his own fingers when a doctor wouldn't amputate them. He later said "frankly I had enjoyed the war."



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mmmmmmmm, dont think he knows more about Germans than anyone on here. I have lived here for 25 years, am amrried to one and have two children here...........he was doing a job, same as any soldier, and like any soldier you will find when the fighting is finished he views the former enemy as just that, former, they also are just people doing a job. This is said by someone who has faught in gulf1 , Bosnia, Kosovo , Gulf 2 and Afghanistan.............think my take might be a little more enlightened than yours maybe?

Can't see where any on this thread have abused the Germans. The quote is from the Hero, who knew a darn sight more about the Germans than anyone on here.

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Somthing else has just occoured to me, my wifes maiden name is witzkovskie, and her family came from the Danzig area of germany origionally, as WW2 was drawing to a close this was an area the Russians were comming to, my mother in law as a 7 year old child with her 12 year old brother, having lost their parents donned ice skates and legged it 70 odd miles down a canal to avoid the nast ******* that were comming



Mother in law sits happily chatting with my sons girlfriend as we speak.............Germans, Brits and Russians...........and yep my old grandad who was in WW2 , and my beloved German uncle who was in ww2 , we all did the same.................time you lot woke up

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