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Iphone or Samsung Galaxy?

Doc Holliday

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The fact that you can install apps from non-vetted sources is your clue. There was even a segment on BBC news a few weeks ago about a man who installed a bogus app and later saw a bunch of calls to premium rate numbers from his phone.




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Indeed. Apple seem to believe that their customers are idiots and/or children. No other explanation exists for making their operational system so incompatible with everything not endorsed (see owned) by apple. For years they advertised themselves as the sleek new thing, the progressive thinkers who are against microsoft's monopoly, their advertising strategy had undertones of 'laissez-faire' ideology. All was good until it was revealed they extensively use sweatshops in china, where 'workers' are made to take shifts that are inhumane, and the management see it necessary to install safety nets under the windows due to the high number of suicides. Oh, and they make phones with 'new' technology that other manufacturers have embraced years ago.

I think you need to take a look at pretty much ANY high technology manufacturer and you would find exactly the same... they all use pretty much slave labour.. the cause... US... we want the kit, if it wasn't made in this way we wouldn't be willing to pay the price demanded!


As for the operating system.. why are they treating anyone like anything? 99% of the population want something that works when you turn it on, they don't want to have to configure anything..


I had internet when the only way to get it was with a 9.6k modem and via Demon, before that I was a Sysop on a bulletin board... when WiFi came in I was a VERY early adopter... it was all an absolute nightmare unless you were a sad computer geek like me, and even then I wouldn't wish to go back to those days where you would have to spend hours on the phone to some tech help line just to get your computer to talk to the modem... it was RUBBISH...


Apple were the pioneers of selling tech that just 'worked' out of the box and that entire philosophy still stands to day... there really aren't that many people out there who would want or expect to buy something, turn it on and then spend hours messing with settings for it to do exactly what it should have done in the first place!


Apple may be a lot of things but they really don't deserve the derision they often get... Apple are pretty much responsible for the tech in the palm of your hand no matter what brand... before the iPhone the smartphone was just seen as geeky tech stuff for it managers... I had them all.. Nokia communicators, Orange smartphone... before the phones I had Psion organisers from the earliest to the latest incarnations... It was only when the iPhone came along offering Smartphone tech in a package that worked simply that the whole thing exploded and the competition started.. so... let's not be too harsh, they were the pioneers and they changed the world as we know it... literally...


Now... being a pioneer doesn't mean eternal rule... just look at that thing you clean the carpets with... the pioneer was so successful that generation after generation called a vacuum cleaner a hoover, and still does, even though Dyson is the most popular and technologically advanced manufacturer right now... the technology was taken and improved upon, just what is happening to Apple... it is inevitable that their ideas will be taken, taken apart and reassembled into something (potentially) better. I don't think we are quite there yet, Apple are just about hanging on, but I do think we are only a generation or 2 of phone release before Apple are eclipsed, although it may take a while longer before they are threatened in the kudos, style & desirability stakes...


take a car example... Nissan GTR... technologically way beyond any Porsche or Ferrari out there... faster than any Porsche or Ferrari out there and a fraction of the cost of any of the models that come close and yet... 90% of those who could afford it would choose the Porsche or Ferrari over the Nissan.... Why? the argument is the same in the tech world when it comes to Apple.


Yes.. I love my iPhone but am seriously considering replacing it with an SG4 to give it a try... if it doesn't pan out then it will have probably cost me a couple of hundred quid to dip my toe.. I can always sell the S4 and buy another iPhone.. but the ability to have my ballistics computer suck data from my Kestrel via Bluetooth is something I wanted to do 2 years ago but couldn't with the iPhone!


When I do it I will try to give a balanced report back as I know others are interested... S4 day to day in the eyes of an Apple fanboi! There will be no mileage in me feeding back BS as this little experiment will end up costing me quite a bit of money!

Edited by Vipa
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Having a closed ecosystem has advantages and disdvantages. Advantages are that stuff just works and tends to be higher quality. Disadvantages - smaller selection, and potential higher cost. You pay your money and choose which you prefer.

As for the sweatshops - Apple products are built by a third party contractor - along with the majority of mass produced consumer electronics in the world - including most Android phones.

Apple pretty much invented the touch screen smartphone - to say they are not innovating incorrect. Sure the innovation has slowed down - but aside from putting the kitchen sink on a phone, an other useless knciknacks, they're limited by the laws of physics as to how to improve them.

I repeat - Android is a security nightmare. That may not matter to some - fair enough, but it is important to me.

Apple didn't pretty much invent the touch screen smart phone, if they did it would be patented and no one would be able to make any others as they have the "sue" culture. The security issues highlighted here are very minimal, if you download a app what's been out a day, instructions in foreign, has a strange name and only 10 other downloads it's pretty obvious dodgy. Apple products are more vunrable in the fact their are less versions of the os and typically more to be stolen with having to have card details on their to download apps what would be free on android.

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Apple didn't pretty much invent the touch screen smart phone, if they did it would be patented and no one would be able to make any others as they have the "sue" culture. The security issues highlighted here are very minimal, if you download a app what's been out a day, instructions in foreign, has a strange name and only 10 other downloads it's pretty obvious dodgy. Apple products are more vunrable in the fact their are less versions of the os and typically more to be stolen with having to have card details on their to download apps what would be free on android.

Ok, so who had one before them? They have plenty of patents - hence the lawsuits already taken place and currently in action.


No disrespect, buy you obviously don't have a clue about operating systems - so i'll leave your other comments alone :-)

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the other thing to bear in mind about all the Apple hate out there is that a large majority of early Android adopters did so because they couldn't afford an iPhone an the old HTCs & Samsungs etc were a MUCH cheaper option.. at the time of the iPhone 3GS coming in at around £500, it was possible to get a bottom end android device for nearer to £100...


That is how Google decided to springboard Android into the market... They subsidised the phone manufacturers massively so that they could offer a CHEAP alternative to the much sought after and aspirational iPhone which was (and still is to a great many) out of reach..


Now... human nature means that very few people will admit that the reason they bought something was because they couldn't afford what they really wanted and so had to settle for a cheap alternative and so started coming up with 'credible' reasons to get an android device so that their egos weren't bruised. Those 'credible' arguments, (such as being able to change your home screen!!! really! :rolleyes: ) still do the rounds but in reality, any argument for android and against apple has only begun to have some substance in the past year or 2..


The sad fact is though that much of the Apple hate was actually driven by envy and not much has changed really... it is the same emotion that pushes some to 'key' 'flash' cars in the carpark... 'I can't afford one so I'm going to ruin the ownership experience for someone who can!' petty jealousy..


Now there is some decent competition in the marketplace and Android has had a few years to sort itself out, (my last 2 experiences have been truly horrendous!) so... I'm willing to lay down some money and give it a try.. I just hope I am not making a huge mistake!


As for the touch screen smartphone.. No one, particularly Apple has said they invented it.. What they did was took something that only appealed to a small minority of geeks and turned it into a useful and desirable device for the masses and changed the world as we know it in one single stroke!

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VIPs - who had a touchscreen smartphone before apple? In particular, multitouch.


P.s. my first modem was a 300bps one in the early 80's :-)

The history books will tell you that IBM brought out the first touch screen 'smartphone' in the early 90's although I'm dubious as to just how 'smart' it was! Looking at the phots, I'm guessing you could dial a number, start and end a call and that was about it! I seem to remember Palm bringing out a version of the Pilot with a sim card slot and GSM access.. As for Multitouch... other than in some lab at MIT, I would guess that was all Apple's!


I may have been getting ahead of myself with my modem speeds as I seem to remember going to a electronics/computer store in my early twenties and drooling over the speed of a 9.6k they had being demo'd... I'll give you a benchmark... with my first 'purchased' modem it used to take approximately 20 mins to download a colour pic of a naked lady! :lol:


Now.. before that, when I was a Sysop for 'The Embassy BBS' which was based in London, I was assistant manager of Comet in Preston, probably 19 years old so that will have been '85/'86.. we started stocking Amstrad PCs and we got the portable ones in.. PPC512.. I took one home to play with with a modem (as you do) and got into serious trouble with my mum as I was logging on to BBs left right and centre... the phone bill came in at £500 and I got grounded!!! the one I could get the best pics of naked ladies from was based in Japan! :-) Dread to think what speed that thing was running at, it took an awful long time to get the pictures and a lot of them were the ones done with type! :yes:

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Samsung the iphone is soooooo yestrday lol infact three lads at work have iphones and all wish they had bought a samsung after mucking about with mine for a while and two have the iphone 5 ome returned his after 24 hours and got a samsung great for watching films on too

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VIPs - who had a touchscreen smartphone before apple? In particular, multitouch.


P.s. my first modem was a 300bps one in the early 80's :-)

Sony Ericsson P800 was touch as was the later Nokia communicator were too, the first was the R380 in 1999 before most technologies we take for granted now were available or common place.....




The first smart phone with touchscreen was "Simon" http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Simon


Touch screen phones were patented in 1973

Edited by HDAV
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I can't get over the size of the Galaxy, it must be like having an iPod in your pocket. Far too big.

I can't get over the size of the Galaxy, it must be like having an iPod in your pocket. Far too big.

that not an ipod in my pocket fella lol
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Im sorry but did someone just point out that android users are some sort of trampy underclass who have iphone envy?, im sorry but thats just a typical apple user attitude with all that, its just better because i paid 3 times the price rubbish, you only have to look on this very website to see how much trouble people have with all things apple. They are basically a marketing campaign.


If anyone is really bothered just walk into one of their shops and have a play with everything you will leave thinking "is that it?" its just the same but more irritating and expensive.

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Im sorry but did someone just point out that android users are some sort of trampy underclass who have iphone envy?, im sorry but thats just a typical apple user attitude with all that, its just better because i paid 3 times the price rubbish, you only have to look on this very website to see how much trouble people have with all things apple. They are basically a marketing campaign.


If anyone is really bothered just walk into one of their shops and have a play with everything you will leave thinking "is that it?" its just the same but more irritating and expensive.

I think you need to re-read my post and understand what I said!


When iPhone hit the market it was expensive (even on contract) and unavailable or wholly out of reach of the rapidly growing pay as you go market... 6 years ago, no one would have considered handing over £500 plus to 'buy' a phone, that's not how the market had evolved. Cheap handsets opened up the marketplace and allowed, in particular, pay as you go customers access to smartphones, those cheap smartphones were powered by Android. It was a conscious decision by Google to compete with apple on price. They knew, particularly at the time, that if they tried to pitch their product at the same price point as Apple, they wouldn't win so they needed a different strategy... Again... think cars... the Nissan GTR is arguably a better machine in all areas than any Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini but if Nissan had priced it in line with any of the more exotic models of the 3 big boys, they would have shifted ZERO units.. because it is a Nissan!


As I have said, human nature (basic psychology... arguing the point just proves the theory) means that few will admit to having done something purely because they couldn't afford the (subjectively) better or currently most desirable model and so human nature also means that those that have to settle for a cheap alternative will manufacture reasons for their 'choice' so as not to have to admit to not being able to afford the en vogue product.


I had an early Android device... it was horrible, buggy, crashed a lot, the user interface was complex and anything but intuitive. Typing was hit and miss, scrolling was not smooth... it was as far removed from a fantastic ownership experience as you could get. Later on my mum and MIL both got HTC Android handsets... both sent them back within 4 weeks as they just could not figure them out... not great.. We bought my son an Android tablet, granted, a cheap one.... we downloaded angry birds, when we tried to download angry birds seasons it told us that our device was not compatible so I deleted angry birds and successfully downloaded seasons.. it then told me that the device was not compatible with the original angry birds... that tablet got played with for 2 weeks and then went away somewhere never to come back out!


Very few people, whether consumers or industry commentators would argue that early Android was anything but poor, what it was, was affordable and accessible. Of late, things finally seem to be levelling out in the marketplace.. the hardware has caught up with and, for the moment and on paper at least, eclipsed the iPhone. The operating system is getting there but, even with the S4, reviewers still don't rate it as 'slick' an experience as iOS but it's close... and, as I have already said earlier, give it another generation or 2 of both Android and the manufacturers and, unless Apple pull something out of the bag, they may well lose their crown. The materials, construction and design of the competition is still way off however!


The big issue is though, that the market seems to be ready to head off in a different direction... just as the phone manufacturers and Google catch up with Apple.. the way forward seems to be in the tablet market, not an ever more powerful smartphone.. there is alimit as to what more one can do with a device of such small proportions... not being able to cram more tech in but being able to get more out of it.. and, as it stands, the competition are way off the mark in the tablet stakes with the iPad and therefore iOS commanding 70% plus of the market!


This is not a dig at Android users, this is the way the market went.. now, in 2013, the lines at the top end of the market are getting blurred but 5/6 years ago there was nothing out there even remotely close to competing with an iPhone... at any price!


As to the comments about people having 'so much' trouble with Apple devices.... when you have hundreds of millions of units out there, you will always have some issues.. I guarantee though that the user experience of Android ownership has historically not been as good or as simple or as stress free as that of iOS ownership and as I have also already stated, one only needs to read 99% of impartial, independent reviews to have that confirmed!

Edited by Vipa
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Android has already blown IOS out the water with the smart phone market share, tablets will follow suit next year - Apple sucks.

Market share built on price alone until very recently.


That is like saying Ford are better than Bently because they have the market share.... no... there are just far more people who can or ARE WILLING to afford a Ford than there are Bently.


You can argue all you like but it really is all down to simple economics and supply and demand... as the price point falls on a product, demand will rise and therefor market share will be increased.. That doesn't make it better!

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Vipa, was purchasing a apple product that much of a financial decision for you, that you feel the need to white knight each post with an 8 billion word essay on "your opinion".

Assuming people can't afford an apple product is both ignorant and pretentious, and alikeing the difference between a Bentley and a ford is ridiculous!

Edited by Daks
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I have an HTC, had it since sept 2011 and it does stuff and as a bonus I can phone and text and the camera is rubbish. I don`t game with it and only use social media for contacting people or updating something and the only hunting app I have is pretty rubbish, but amuses my friends.


If they built a smart phone like the Sony Ericsson k800i, then it would be a done deal, they don`t so will I keep the HTC after the contract runs out, yeah probably, but I still have my Sony to fall back on.

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Vipa, was purchasing a apple product that much of a financial decision for you, that you feel the need to white knight each post with an 8 billion word essay on "your opinion".


Assuming people can't afford an apple product is both ignorant and pretentious, and alikeing the difference between a Bentley and a ford is ridiculous!

6 years ago the analogy was perfectly accurate... nowadays not so... After all... the reason Henry Ford was so successful was that he produced the first car the the masses could afford... Google, with massive subsidies to the phone manufacturers, flooded the market with affordable smartphones... where's the difference


If you read my previous posts you will see that I am about to sell my iPhone and buy an S4 when they hit the shelves as I now think they may have caught up... we will see...


Nothing pretentious about it. Prior to about 2008, you either had a top end phone on a contract (if you were willing to pay large monthly sums, could pass the credit score, were not part of the biggest boom in the phone market.... kids) or you had a very basic phone on PAYG. Google brought the smartphone to PAYG and the rest is history.


I quite like writing essays.. if you don't want to read them there is a function in settings that allows you to ignore my posts!


What I have written is not opinion, it is fact and a potted history of how Google approached the market and succeeded in gaining market share, nothing more nothing less. :yes:

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I have an iphone 4s on EE,and it is the dogs danglies as far as I'm concerned.I have no experience of Samsung Galaxy and the only androids I know of used to feature in '2000AD' comics.

I have photobucket and Photogene 2 as apps(amongst many others) which allows me to create jpegs of varying sizes and then submit to galleries and businesses from all over(including a partially built roof in Haddington!) if needs be.The camera is excellent,which is a very important aspect to me, and overall I am in awe of the phones capabilities(which far outweigh mine)and the technology therein.

If there is better technology on the market,then it would have to be easier to use than my iphone for me to consider changing,as I found the iphone a doddle.

Someone asked me at a demo' what I considered to be my best buy as an artist,which wasn't something I'd considered before,but almost without thinking it occurred to me it was my iphone.

Not much of a 'Which?' survey,I'll admit,as I haven't tried any other 'smart' phones,but just my opinion as a non-geek.

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