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278 off the sticks….

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Back to solo lamping this evening produced one barren vixen, this was my last bit of the farm for the night, and the fishing club has put a new lock on the gate so while I was waiting for the farmer to reply to my text a set of eyes popped out of a hedge.

No time for the reply on the code!! She looked intent on crossing the field with out stopping….It looked a long way and it was, so only one real chance of a shot…a sharp hey!! And down she went.

Still no reply for the code so that text will keep for tomorrow…





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Nice shot.


what did you use to measure, reason im asking is i did one just like this on Saturday night. bullet was a long time in the air. only reason i took the shot was because it was heading for the chicken sheds and will not play to the call. pinged on google earth at 246 meters. again, like you, off the sticks with a 52Gr in the trip two

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Nice shot.


what did you use to measure, reason im asking is i did one just like this on Saturday night. bullet was a long time in the air. only reason i took the shot was because it was heading for the chicken sheds and will not play to the call. pinged on google earth at 246 meters. again, like you, off the sticks with a 52Gr in the trip two

Thank you,

On something like that one it was not so far from a fixed point (a hedge). I put the sticks in the ground walk to the hedge with good paces as you are less lightly to miss count a smaller number.

I put the lamp on the truck to get a line using a big tree as sky line reference and walk back from the sticks in the best paces I can. Then I have a couple of reference points to check it with the lap top.

I checked one from the other the other night with the range finder my paces, Google Earth and only found a 3 yards difference.

The 150-200 yard bracket is far better as less distance to retrieve the fox, less time fiddling with the lap top and counting steps late at night lol





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